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Mini of the Day
Alliance Tank Droid
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: September 12, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.5
200 pt: 2.6
Sith Dragon |
Alliance Tank Droid
Cost: 45
HP: 120
DEF: 14
ATK: +7
DAM: 30
Double Attack; Rigid: DR 10; Droid; Mounted Weapon
Today we get another preview! This time we get a
sneak peak at the tank droid. This is a sweet
looking piece. At long last we can reenact our
wookiee berserkers jumping off of it doing our
loudest impersonation of the Tarzan yell. YAY!
OK. Now that we have had our fun doing that we can
set this on your favorite display shelf and bury the
card in our binders of unplayed minis. Don't get me
wrong. The stats on this thing are incredible. Being
a CIS droid its attack can be amp'd up to an
impressive +19 attacking twice for 30 DAM. The DR 10
on 120 HP will help it last a long time against
shooters, BUT for one more point you can go with the
X-1 and get 10 more HP, +2 DEF, +1 ATK and get
molecular shielding, which will go a lot father than
damage reduction in scaring your opponent. 10 less
DAM is still 10 less DAM and is no risk to you.
Molecular shielding makes you risk your own health
to attack it.
100pts: Needs a bigger format to get all of its help
200pts: A very solid piece that will do very well in
your CIS army, but it is just too overshadowed by
the X-1. They should have upped the stats,
abilities, or health or something to make it better
than the X-1 because molecular shielding is just too
good to pass on, but if you want to be competitive,
this piece will do nothing for you unless you do not
own X-1s.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
Alliance Tank Droid
45 points
HP: 120
Def: 14
Att: +7
Dmg: 30
Droid, Damage Reduction 10, Double Attack, Mounted
Weapon, Rigid
The CATD is not the most exciting piece in the set.
It is, however, a pretty solid piece, and it looks
cool. It's a great, big, Double-Attacking-for-30
ranged attacker, which your opponent will have to
work fairly hard to kill. The problem is that at 45
points, the most obvious piece to compare it to is
the X-1 Viper Droid. For a measly one more point,
you can have 10 more Hit Points, another point of
Attack, and trade in Damage Reduction 10 for
Molecular Shielding. In general, the X-1 is probably
the better buy, if for no other reason than the mere
threat of Molecular Shielding will frequently make
your opponent simply not attack, which is the best
damage reduction imaginable. Consequently, I don't
expect the Tank Droid to see much competitive play,
which is a shame, because it looks so much cooler
than the Viper.
Overall rating in 100: 1.5 (you generally shouldn't
play Rigid Huge pieces in 100 for map reasons)
Overall rating in 200: 2.5 (you could do a lot
worse, but it's so much easier to just upgrade to
the Viper)

ninjaduelist |
Alliance Tank Droid
Faction: Seperatist
Cost: 45
HP: 120
DEF: 14
ATK: 7
DMG: 30
Damage Reduction 10
Double Attack
Mounted Weapon
Welcome to another review week for the anticipating
Bounty Hunter set. Starting this week is a familiar
piece seen on the battle of Kashyyyk against the
Wookies, which is none other than the CATD.
For starters, paying 45 points for a droid, I expect
something worth my time. Now, is it worth it? Let's
see. The hit points are so-so, as X-1 has better,
the Defense makes this thing a huge target, the
attack is good for a droid (gets much support being
a droid), and the 30 damage is rather nice. So far
if isn't too bad, right?
Being a droid has its ups and downs, as any other
piece does. Of course, this being a droid isn't too
shabby, since otherwise you would have had to listen
to me complain about the attack power in the last
paragraph. Its Damage Reduction 10 and Double Attack
makes this piece deal more damage while able to take
some itself. However, Mounted Weapon hurts, as
combining fire is nice, but its not a serious loss.
After all, if you are going deep with droids, you'll
already have 19 attack when standing still. I think
it'll be fine. Lastly, Rigid. Don't use a
small-corridor map. Simple.
In 100 point, it costs too much to use. If you want
to use a huge droid that deals a good amount of
damage, then you can use X-1 Viper Droid. After all,
shields can usually be better than Damage Reduction,
since if you're gonna get hit by melee attackers in
100 PT tourneys, they will most likely be lightsaber-wielding
beatsticks like Bane, Vader and whatever the
Republic has to throw at you. In 200, it's okay, but
I think that you can do better than that. It's a
good poor-man's droid piece, let's put it that way.
In 100: 2/5
In 200: 2.8/5
"Countdown: 10 Days Until Bounty Hunters!!!"

Zeroph Zeal |
Alliance Tank Droid
Points: 45
Hitpoints: 120
Defense: 14
Attack: +7
Damage: 30
Abilities: Droid, Damage Reduction 10, Double
Attack, Mounted Weapon, Rigid
Bleh. This is the first mini in the new Bounty
Hunter set that I can honestly say I'm dissappointed
about. A sub-par unit that is simply outmatched by a
superier unit. If you don't know, I speak of the X-1
Viper Droid. Let's take a look at it anyways, shall
For 45 of your precious points, its stats are quite
sub-par. 120 hitpoints is just above average, but 14
defense and +7 attack is simply horrible. The 30
damage is nice, but +7 attack isn't going to help
you achieve that.
Its abilities are pretty standard and are quite like
the X-1 Viper Droid (so I'm not going to go into
deep detail about them like usual), with one
exception, it trades in its key Molecular Shielding
for Damage Reduction 10. Yay.
I think the best use this thing will serve is as a
piece someone uses when they can't get thier hands
on an X-1 Viper Droid, or if you have exactly 45
points remaining in a squad. I mean the General
Grevious+Battle Droid Officer+Super Battle Droid
Commander combo will still work with this, making it
a quite nifty +19 30 damage double attacker, but for
a single more point, you can get Molecular Shielding
(at the cost of Damage Reduction 10), Fringe, 10
hitpoints, 2 defense, and +1 attack. Can you say
overshaddowed by a better unit? My thoughts exactly.
Sorry for the half-minded review, its late and I was
really expecting something better than this. A final
note: Molecular Shielding > Damage Reduction 10.
Take this from a avid droid user, this droid isn't
too impressive.
100 point: 1/5 X-1 isn't great here... why would
this be different?
200 point: 2/5 Can work okay here, but we have
better and its only an Uncommon too! Actually, I
believe a 2 is very generous for this.
Sculpt: 4/5 I like it. But, I do like the X-1 more.