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Mini of the Day
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: September 20, 2006

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.5
200 pt: 2.5

Zeroph Zeal |
Points: 22
Hitpoints: 40
Defense: 15
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Faction: Fringe
Abilities: Unique, Accurate Shot, Bounty Hunter +4,
Intution, Rapport (4-LOM)
Wow, I'm pretty dissappointed with this piece. Being
one of the most anticipated pieces in the set, its
highly dissappointing to see the character be so...
First with the stats. 40 hitpoints is not the best
way to spend 22 points. That's a fact. Expessially
with 15 defense. With such scores, Zuckuss is made
extremely easy to kill. +8 attack is merely okay,
and 20 damage is also merely okay. These stats
really dissappoint me, and if he had 20 or 30 more
hitpoints, it would really balance this character
out much more.
That being said, his abilities do make him better.
Accurate Shot (which has been mentioned more than
enough times the past couple MOTDs) is simply a
great ability. If you want proof, just look at any
of the recent MOTDs and read basically anyone's
Bounty Hunter +4 is nice, and boosts his attack to a
solid +12 against uniques, another good ability. He
also has Rapport with 4-LOM, but Rapport has been
proven to be overall pretty useless. (except on
Queen Amidala, of course.) Zuckuss does sport a
interesting other ability, though, that being
Intution. This ability allows Zuckuss, at the start
of each round, move 6 spaces. This can actually
allow Zuckus to overcome his horrible 40 hitpoints
(in a squad with a high ammount of activations, or
Sam Hill) by going last, shooting, then moving to a
more desireable defensive spot. Of course, if an
enemy was to have Accurate Shot which is more than
common in this set, Zuckuss is screwed.
100 points: 1.5/5 This falls under the catagory "too
fragile for a quarter of your points." Use something
200 points: 2.5/5 It's not bad here, I would never
play it though.
Sclupt: 4/5 Zuckuss was always a cool bounty hunter.
He's kinda like Plo Koon just not all... jedilike.