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Mini of the Day
Set: Bounty Hunter
(Pojo's Exclusive Preview)
Date Reviewed: September 7, 2006


Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.50
200 pt: 3.67 |
28 points
HP: 60
Def: 17
Att: +10
Dmg: 20
Double Attack, Mobile Attack
Commander Effect: Mandalorian allies gain Mobile
The Mandalorians are shaping up to be one loving,
supportive faction. I base this assessment on the
fact that the Mandalorian Commander and Mandalore
the Indomitable both have Commander Effects that
affect everyone in their faction, regardless of
range, and each can provide the other with an
ability that he didn't have. Neat.
For 28 points, the Mandalorian Commander is a pretty
solid package. He's got respectable numbers for a
shooter in his point class (low Hit Points offset by
high damage output with Double Attack). Much like
the Sith faction, the Mandalorians clearly believe
that the best defense is pounding the other guy into
rubble really fast.
The Commander also benefits from Mobile Attack, for
those times when it's just not safe to stand still
and make two attacks. What's more, he grants it to
all Mandalorians in his squad, regardless of
distance. This means that the terrifying cannon that
is Mandalore the Indomitable can have Mobile Attack,
increasing his survivability quite a bit.
For the other Mandalorian pieces that we know about
at this point, the Basilisk War Droid benefits from
Mobile Attack a little, at least while trying to get
itself into position for the all-important strafing
run. The Mandalorian Warrior, being a Melee piece,
benefits less, but at least he also has Melee Reach
2, meaning that he won't necessarily draw an attack
of opportunity for punching and running (the usual
problem with Mobile Melee attackers).
All in all, while it's tough to make a firm judgment
without know who all he can affect, the Mandalorian
Commander looks like a solid and very playable
piece. Thanks, WOTC, for letting Pojo have an
advance look at him.
Overall rating in 100: 3.5
Overall rating in 200: 4.5 (he costs so little here,
and Mobile Attack is so good, that you should almost
certainly run him) |

Cost: 28
Hit Points: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Double Attack
Mobile Attack
CE: Mandos get Mobile Attack
The Good: Sweet … the Mandos get a useful CE …
without range restrictions. Before I rate this
character, though, I’d like to see the rest of the
clan to determine if the CE can benefit them. The
basic Mando Warrior that’s been paraded in the sneak
previews only has a melee attack (although it has a
reach of 2 squares). Without the CE, MandoCom is
still an effective piece to have in a battle … a
solid heavy grunt with good a decent defense and
good attack score.
The Bad: 28 points seems a bit pricey --- again,
we’ll just have to wait and see what his boys can
do. Even so, for 23 points, you can recruit Lando
Hero-boy, who’ll grant Mobile Attack to all
non-unique followers within 6 squares. Hmmm … wait
and see.
The Ugly: So far, all the Mandos I’ve seen are from
the Old Republic era (hence the don’t have
jetpacks). It would’ve been nice to see some from
the Republic era with flight.
TBD … until I see the entire Mando chorus line … I
can’t give an accurate rating, but he does seem
interesting. Without doubt, he’ll be a staple in any
Mandalorian army. With a 28 cost, we’ll probably see
more of him in 200 pt squads. |

ninjaduelist |
Commander (Uncommon)
Faction: Mandalorian
Cost: 28
HP: 60
DEF: 17
ATK: 10
DMG: 20
Double Attack
Mobile Attack
Commander Effect: Mandalorian allies gain Mobile
Hey, hey! Looks like I get to do a review with the
Mandos. This makes my day, as I have enjoyed the
endless hours of KOTOR (actually, I was watching my
brother, but whatever). And heck, with less than
three weeks until Bounty Hunters makes its debut,
why not review a piece or two beforehand?
Now, rating this card is gonna be difficult, since I
don't know all of the stats of the Mandalorians. All
I can say is that his stats are better for its
offense than defense. 60 HP isn't very good for its
cost, and the DEF also doesn't shine, but the 10 ATK
is good for a shooter, and the 20 DMG is average. As
for its Double Attack, meh. Its good, but if you are
using Mobile Attack, then Twin Attack would be the
better choice. As for the Commander Effect, looks
like Mandalorian shooters will be getting a nice
bonus. In other words, Mandalorians have the
potential of getting Mobile Attack from this guy,
Bodyguard from Ulic-Qel Droma, and Momentum from
Mandalore the Indomitable (I think I spelled it
In 100 PT or 200, I can't give off an accurate
rating, since he's more of a team player, and its
not easy if you don't know the team. However, with
us already having Lando, HoT, this guy isn't giving
us something we don't have. We'll just have to wait
and see.
In 100: 2/5 (Lando is less expensive, plus Fringe.)
In 200: 2.5/5 (Average, but then again the rest of
the pieces could prove me wrong.)
15 days until Bounty Hunters comes out!! |

Zeroph Zeal |
Points: 28
Hitpoints: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Abilities: Double Attack, Mobile Attack
Commander Effect: Mandalorian allies gain Mobile
Saving us from Sepretist Commanders week comes the
first ever Pojo Exclusive Preview. I'm not gonna
lie, I love the new Mandalorian faction. Not only do
they look cool, but they can kick some butt too.
Right now, we review the Mandalorian Commander. Is
this commander worth running when Bounty Hunters is
released? Let's take a look, shall we?
His stats aren't enough to write home about, that's
for sure. 28 points buys you an average 60 hitpoints,
17 defense, 10 attack and 20 damage. While this is
about the norm-below average for a 28 costed
shooter, it is certianly not bad for a commander.
His abilities are good, though. Double Attack serves
this character well, meaning you will probally hit
one out of the two times. Mobile Attack isn't the
best of abilities, but can be useful to get out of
cover, shoot, then run back into cover before the
enemy can attack you. While Mobile Attack isn't one
of my personal favorites, it does have its uses, for
This is somewhat of an odd combination, though,
simply because you can't use Mobile Attack and
Double Attack together. I suppose it would give you
more options with him, but I'd definatly perfer two
abilities that work synergically.
His Commander Effect is simular to that of Queen
Amidala and Lando- Hero of Tanab. In fact, this
piece is extremely simular to Lando! My question
becomes does Lando make this piece worthless? Let's
compare them a bit, shall we? If you ran Lando over
this, this is what you'd get:
-5 points
+0 Hitpoints
+1 Defense
-1 Attack
-10 Damage
+ Unique
+ Oppurtunist
Difference in Commander Effect: Non-unique followers
within 6 squares instead of Mandalorian allies.
By the looks of it, it really breaks even. In my
opinion, Lando is the better fighter simply because
of Oppurtunist. However, the Mandalorian Commander's
commander effect isn't limited to 6 squares and can
affect unique characters as well as followers. Then
again, Lando will affect fringe and Sith units.
(assuming you are playing Ulic Qel-Droma) Time will
tell if this thing will see play over a Lando, but
my huntch says it will. Not being limited to 6
squares really helps this guy's commander effect. If
you don't think this makes that much of a
difference, ask yourself why Mas Amedda sees so much
All in all, however, this guys playability will
depend on what else is in the Mandalorian arsenal.
It's really hard to give this piece a rating for
that very reason, that we don't know what the other
Mandalorian pieces are so we don't know this piece's
competition or synergy. Right now, I'll give it a:
100 points: 2/5 Commanders are hindered here,
expessially ones that take up more than 25 points.
This guy is no expception.
200 points: 4/5 Lando- Hero of Tanab is a deadly
piece, I really don't see why this guy would be any
different unless for some reason the Mandalorian
faction couldn't use Mobile Attack.
Sculpt: 4/5 Mandalorians are cool. Enough said. |
Kevin |
today we have something new for you all. Today we
have the mandolorian commander!!! Stats first.
Cost 28
Hp: 60
Defense: 17
Attack: 10
Damage: 20
Double attack
Mobile attack
CE: mandoliarian allies gain mobile attack.
This is just a sweet
looking piece in my opinion. So far we have seen
mandolore, the basilisk, and a warrior for the
mandolorians. So far so good Wizards.
The most notable thing
about this piece for me was the cost. 28 points is a
bit steep for a commander. After that I saw the 20
Damage he had and smiled a little. Not many
commanders have base 20 damage. He also has a decent
defense of 17, 21 in cover. His base attack is also
a very nice +10. So he can hit things. Which means,
his double attack is not worthless, and, in fact,
makes him better. He also has mobile attack for
those nice corners.
The biggest advantage I
can see is his CE. Mandolorian ALLIES gain mobile
attack. That means everybody. So mandolore just
gained mobile attack, everybody else gained that
too. Combine this one with mandolore and you will
have a lot of options on how to play with the
100 Points: I am not
sure how the mandolorians will play yet. That being
said, this characters CE looks very nice. As far as
I can tell there are ranged units for this faction
to benefit from this CE too. It should be nice to
have a decent non unique commander. As of right now
though, 28 points for unknown squads aside from
mandolore and the basilisk, and the warrior, just
seems a bit pricey. Also, his CE is only for his
For 100 points I would
say he is well balanced though. 2.5/5
200 points: Here he can
be nasty. There is no range limit on his effect and
it is for all mandolorian allies. So, the
mandolorians will be happy to have this character
anywhere in their squad. 4/5
Tips: As with lando
HOT, this character should be kept safe. It can
fight and do damage, but it is best used behind
walls to let your other characters benefit from the
CE. The fact he has mobile attack means you can use
the standard hit and run with him, and, if nothing
else, the 21 defense will keep him up and running
for a while. Aside from that, I do not know the
faction well enough to suggest much else. |