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image from
Wizards of the
Depa Billiba
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: April 06, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 4.0
200 pt: 4.0 |
Sith Dragon |
Depa Billiba
Cost: 29
HP: 90
DEF: 19
ATK: +13
DAM: 20
Double Attack; Vaapad Fighting
Force 3
Force Sense; Lightsaber Deflect
Today we look at one of the unique Jedi that can
safely survive the JWM purge. Stat-wise i don't
really her stats. It seems Champions gave us glass
cannons. Do not get me wrong. They are solid stats,
but for a Jedi, they are on the fragile side. I like
Jedi to have a bit more beef to them, but for not
being an uber Jedi, her stats will work despite
being fragile.
Depa has a nice bit of offense with her. Double
attack is good. As i said with Even Piell, double
attack has to be the minimum in today's game, unless
they can find a reason to boost the average Jedi DAM
stat to base 30. Where her true power comes from,
though, is that she was once Mace Windu's
apprentice. Naturally, she has Vaapad fighting,
which can really crank up her DAM.
She also has one other power that allows her to find
her niche opposite the JWM. Her deflect is great for
Jedi, but it is her Force Sense that makes her a
must in most republic squads. She can strip the
stealth from an enemies team for basically three
rounds. This can really cramp Nom Bomb teams, SS O66
team, and Bith evade teams. Anymore i really don't
like running shooting squads without her just in
100pts: She can be played here, but her fragility
kind of hampers her and she does not have the
Uberness needed for 100 unless she can crit a few
150pts200pts: She is equally playable in either of
these, especially since NBs and O66 SS are pretty
good here. She can be used just for her Force Sense,
or you can use her with some nice commanders. She
becomes another triple attacking Vaapad fighter
along side General Windu, and CS Yoda can make her
deflect even more potent. She does not belong in
every squad, but with all of the stealth based
squads out there, and her decent fighting, you
generally will not go wrong using her. |
Ten-Eyed Man |
If you spend
a little time on the Wizards of the Coast message
boards, from time to time you'll run into someone
talking about the notion that the Jedi Weapon Master
made all other low-to-mid-cost Jedi obsolete. While
this is mostly true, even the JWM's harshest critics
tend to make one unanimous exception in the form of
Depa Billaba.
While Depa has roughly similar statistics to a
Weapon Master, costs three points more, and is
missing most of the Lightsaber-related powers that
the JWM sports, she's widely considered an
auto-include in Republic squads for the simple
beauty of Force Sense. Any power that can take an
otherwise competitively viable squad type (the Nom
Bomb) and neuter it across the entire map for an
entire round is a power that you have to consider
carefully. There is more than one type of Stealth
squad, of course, and Depa is effective against all
of them. I singled out the Nom Bomb because, alone
among Stealth builds, Jedi always care about it. If
you build a squad specifically around Jedi and their
melee strength, you are officially licensed not to
care about Commander Bacara's squad of well-hidden
ninja nancy-boys. You still have to get across the
board under a withering hail of blaster fire, but if
they're all stealthy when you get there, boo-hoo. A
lightsaber doesn't need to target you from a
distance, and congratulations to you for making your
opponent waste a bunch of points on Stealth. On the
other hand, a Nom Bomb squad relies on not only
being hidden, but being personally explosive as
well. This makes Depa's Force-powered visual acuity
doubly important, as an exposed Nom Bomb is a mostly
helpless one as well.
Besides her one power that's unique in the game,
Depa is a perfectly reasonable fighter, sporting
Lightsaber Deflect (the discerning Jedi's favorite
way to make it across the field to cut up the
shooter) and Vaapad-style Fighting. Depa is the only
piece in the game so far who can get so many
criticals and doesn't have "Windu" in her name
somewhere (and she costs less than half what the
cheapest version of Mace does).
To recap, Depa is a fine choice if you're planning
to make an all-Jedi squad, even if all she does is
standard fighting. She's a must-have if you're
making a squad around shooters (or one very powerful
shooter), because super-stealth is a major factor
against such squads.
Overall rating in 100: 4
Overall rating in 200: 4.5