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Mini of the Day
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: February 15, 2007

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 3.75
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 12
HP: 30
DEF: 13
ATK: +5
DAM: 10
Spotter 30; Stealth
Today we have a pretty simple character, but he can
be pretty powerful in the right squad. His stats are
pretty small even for 12 points, but its his spotter
30 that can make Garindan a decent piece. Adding 30
DAM to any attack is a great thing, but the trick is
to get Garindan within 6 of the target and somehow
stretch his meager 30 HP long enough to use him to
combine fire. With Stealth there are a couple of
options. The Bith Vigo will give Garindan evade, so
hopefully he can dodge some attacks. Then there is
Nom. This is truly where he belongs. He cant be shot
unless adjacent so it will be hard for him to be
picked off so easily. You should get at least a
couple good shots off with his spotter effect.
This is a fig i think they really should have given
Recon. Most factions except the weakest already have
some sort of init manipulation, so it would not have
hurt anything, and would have helped some factions
that need it.
100pts: there isn't enough room here for him. You
are better off with 4 ugs to get activations up over
150Pts: Here Garindan can fit, but it will mostly be
in Nom Bombs. his 12 pts really helps him fit into
these squads.
200pts: Here he can work very well in a Nom bomb
squad as well as fitting into other non-melee
squads. I am not a big fan of the spotter ability as
it is very hard to set up. The spotter piece is
generally one of the first to be picked off. If you
run Xizor, Garindan gains accurate shot so you can
try to pick off some support pieces until you get
set up, but his attack is too low to be very
effective. Stick with Nom Anor for the best results.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
The sound
designer for the Star Wars movies, Ben Burtt, is a
personal hero of mine. If you want to know one of
the reasons why, check out the speaking voice of
Garindan, the Imperial informant that tattles on
Luke and Ben in the first movie. I don't know how
Ben created those sounds, but they don't sound like
anything I've heard on Earth.
As for the Star Wars Miniatures piece, he's one of
those one-trick ponies. His stats are fairly poor,
but he has two abilities that make him playable:
Stealth and Spotter 30. Yes, 30. Incredibly,
Garindan's eyesight is so good that he adds one
Heavy Stormtrooper's worth of bazooka damage to
anyone with whom he might combine fire.
This sounds great, but Spotter only works when
you're within six squares of the target, and
combining fire uses your whole activation, meaning
that Garindan needs to get fairly close to the
enemy, than stand there for a while. When you have a
Defense of 13, this is the sort of behavior that
raises your insurance premiums. What's more, Stealth
can't help Garindan against anyone he's spotting,
since it stops working within six squares. What's a
gutless tattletale with great eyesight supposed to
Fortunately, there are ways to help Garindan out.
One of these is just to make sure that Garindan gets
to go last and then win initiative. A high
activation Thrawn-based squad can do this quite
easily. Move Garindan up to the target last, after
your opponent has moved all of his pieces, then win
initiative with Master Tactician the next round, and
Garindan can do his trick. Hopefully you're planning
to kill that piece, however, because Garindan is
still standing next to it afterwards (unless you're
going to do something tricky like have Thrawn swap
him with Vader).
Easier (and probably more effective) than the above
strategy is just to put Garindan in a Nom Anor
squad. Super stealth makes it much less of a problem
to be hanging out near enemies, and Nom himself is a
reasonable person to combine fire with.
Suffice to say, Garindan can be a fine support
piece, but you should know before the fight how he's
going to be doing his trick. You can't casually toss
him in with your last 12 points, because you'll
basically be handing your opponent 12 free points.
Overall rating in 100: 3 (3.5 with Nom)
Overall rating in 200: 3.5 (4 with Nom)

~The Jumping Flea |
Hey guys,
almost Friday! Today's mini is Garindan. This Kubaz
little feller is an odd duck... Here are his stats
for you:
Cost: 12
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 13
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Special Abilities:
Spotter 30 If this character combines fire against a
target within six squares, the attacker gets +30
Damage against that target.
Stealth If this character has cover, it does not
count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther
than 6 squares when choosing targets.
Now stat wise, he sucks. Just plain bites the dust
really. A pitiful 13 defense and +5 attack with only
10 damage is embarrassing, even for a 12 point guy.
Now this guy's abilities... That is a different
story. Stealth is great, (Pair with Nom for Super
Stealth or a Bith Vigo for Evade) and Spotter 30 is
great. Spotter 30 allows you to do an extra 30
damage on an attack if you Combine Fire. Say you Zam
Wessel shoot a Han Solo with Loner, Bounty Hunter
and Garindan combining fire. She would shoot at +24
for 50 Damage! But, like most good things in life,
there is a catch. Garindan has to be within 6 of the
enemy he is attacking. Not only is hit statistics
low, but Stealth is negated at that range. In other
words, he will die before he can get it off,
rendering him useless 90% of the time. Although if
you pair him with Nom he will get it off. Him, Zam,
and Nom are a lethal combo.
(Although that is the ONLY time to use him.)
100: (1.0) (2.0 with Nom) Only good with Nom. Still
cannot have enough support though.
150: (1.5) (3.5 with Nom) More shooters can be with
Nom in this format making it easier to get that
Spotter off.
200: (1.5) (4.0 with Nom) EVEN more possibilities,
again only with Nom really.