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Luke Skywalker,
Champion of the Force
Set: Alliance of
Date Reviewed: January 4, 2007
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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: -
200 pt: -
Sith Dragon |
Sith is back!
Well after a nice long rest, I am back. Thanks to
teneyedman for taking over while i was gone. I hope
to hear more from him again as we move along. Being
a slow week i am going to give you a bit of a treat
for those who have not been on the wizards boards
recently. Rob (one of the creators) gave us a nice
Christmas gift last week, so without further a do,
here is a review for the Luke Skywalker we have all
been waiting for - Luke Skywalker, Champion of the
Force from the forthcoming Alliance and Empire set.
Luke Skywalker, Champion of the Force
Cost: 49
HP: 110
DEF: 20
ATK: +13
DAM: 20
Melee; Double Attack; Flurry Attack
Force 2
Force Renewal 1; Force Alter; Force Leap; Jedi Mind
Trick; Knights Speed; Deflect; Use the Force
At long last we not only have a Luke that is
playable, but one that is actually an excellent
piece. Stat wise he is finally strong enough to
stand with many of the Jedi from the Republic
faction. His 110HP can take a beating. His 20 DEF is
very good and the +13, while it may stretch a bit
against Vader and Kun, is still very good. He has
double attack, which is so-so depending on what
abilities he has. Luckily, they gave this Luke a
nice touch without giving him either triple or twin
to jack up his cost by giving him flurry attack, an
ability that only CS Yoda has had to this point. I
will come back to this at the end.
Luke's force powers are very good and very well
chosen. Anytime they give a Jedi force renewal its a
good thing. In today's game they pretty much need to
have it if they are any good as a Jedi. Alter is
good for getting rid of those nasty crits. Handy,
but wont be used very often. Leap is a great ability
to have even though its rarely used. Being based by
a power Jedi with triple attack can be a death
sentence. Its nice to know you always have a way out
of a jam if you need it. Jedi Mind Trick is another
good thing to have even though it seldom works. you
can use it to hopefully activate a character and get
away from them at the same time. Its best used
against non-force users so they don't get the reroll,
but if you can get it off on a major force user, it
can be a big advantage. Knight speed is a great add
to Luke. It is just that much less space you have to
sit in the open while trying to cross the board. It
will help get in that extra attack, or get behind
that wall so you don't get obliterated by your
opponent's shooters. Deflect is a good anti-shooter
defense as well.
Stop right there are we have a fig that for 49pts is
still very good, versatile and worth the 49 points,
although it would be a bit high, but of course every
great character has a gimmick, and this is where we
come back to the 'use the force' ability. Tauntaun
Luke had this ability and it was an pretty cool
think given Ben and then Yoda, but the piece is so
weak that it was never more than a gimmick team, but
now we have a piece with some staying power that can
make excellent use of this. The great thing is that
when you use ' use the force' you will automatically
activate flurry attack for an extra attack. There is
your triple attack with the damage bonus to boot!
Now if you have a dead Ben you can use force points
twice in a turn, so you can 'use the force' twice on
your double attack effectively giving him four
attacks! That racks up a whopping 120 DAM without
help. If you can sneak a Chagrian in there you add
another 40pts of DAM. Get Han in there and have Luke
swing at an unactivated character, you get to add ye
another 40 DAM for the four attacks. That's 200pts
of DAM in one activation!!! Now granted that is an
almost perfect set up, and the chances of getting
all of those pieces in position are very slim in the
end, but still. You are only paying 49 pieces for
this! And on the rare occasion that you roll a crit
on a flurry you will get even yet another attack!
That is some absolutely sick offense. The only catch
is that you have to watch out for opposing Yodas,
Maces, and Jinns with their anti force abilities. As
if that were not enough, Luke has access to some of
the best team pieces in the game with the rebels.
110HP not enough? add in Chewie RH. +13ATK not high
enough? add in Ackbar for the possible +17. 20 DAM
not enough DAM? Add in Han RH and/or a Chag Merc.
not getting enough force with force renewal? add in
Ben and Yoda. Yoda also brings in the dreaded force
stun to help slow your opponent down.
Still not enough? Well we know that the Han in this
set will have an ability that will negate all
meddling with initiative, so anticipation, recon and
Thrawn all go out the window. Although we have no
clue what he does, we now have pictures to confirm
that we are getting an Obi-Wan, Force Ghost. I have
little doubt that he will have some sick force
influence on the game. And we have yet to see
anything on the rest of the team either, so let
there be no doubt that while Luke is a great piece
in and of himself, he has no shortage of back-up to
call on, which is fitting for the rebel faction.
Look for this Luke to really stir up the tourney
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5