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Mini of the Day
Snowtrooper with
E-Web Blaster
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: January 07, 2007

Image from
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3
200 pt: 3
Snowtrooper with E-Web Blaster is decent, but mostly
because of the faction it's in, by which I mean
Grand Admiral Thrawn's faction. It could be used
without the blue man, but it would just seem so
On first glance, we've got a 30 Damage Double
Attacker for a mere 18 points. Holy crap. As is so
often the case, however, that pesky second glance is
what does us in. The E-Web has an Attack of +4, and
a Defense of 11. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is
an Imperial unit with a Defense score lower than an
Ewok's. Yikes. Moving on, we see the ever-unpopular
Speed 2/Heavy Weapon combo that all the cool kids
are avoiding in droves.
Admiral Thrawn really is pretty Grand, though. With
a wave of his hand (and probably a shout from Mas
Amedda) he grants +3 to both the Attack and Defense
of this misbegotten artillery piece, and can swap
its position with any other Large unit (the Scout
Trooper on Speeder Bike comes temptingly to mind,
with its 24-square range). Presto! In 37 points,
we've solved or at least mitigated every problem
with the piece.
But a +7 to hit is still really low. You should
probably have a bunch of low-cost shooters with whom
to combine fire. Conveniently, the Empire has a few
of those. You may also want to include General
Veers, to grant that all-important Accurate Shot to
this big ol' turret. But that's all the advice I'm
going to give you; I can't design all your squads
for you, you lazy lout.
Overall rating in 100: 1.5 (Thrawn is hard to use
here, and consequently so is the E-Web)
Overall rating in 200: 3