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Mini of the Day
Rodian Black Sun
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: January 18, 2007

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt:
200 pt:
Sith Dragon |
Rodian Black
Sun Vigo
Cost: 24
HP: 40
DEF: 18
ATK: +5
DAM: 10
Double Attack; Fringe Reserves 20; Stealth
CE: Followers within 6 who have cover cannot be
targeted by accurate shot unless it is the nearest
I wanted to do the Bith this week, but we had
already done it, so i chose his older cousin. This
was the common man's super stealth creator. When
universe cam out the best thing to do was to take
some really good shooters, stick them behind a Viper
and run this guy to keep them safe. So long as you
kept the Vigo out of sight you were good. Due to the
shift in meta, he has fallen a bit more by the
wayside with the release of his better cousin the
Bith Vigo and the Bacara super stealth, but he is
still good.
His stats are not real great for a 24 point
character, but you are playing him for the CE more
than anything. The 18 DEF is really nice, but
everything else is sub-par. Double doesn't do a
whole lot of good when you cant hit much of anything
for only 10 DAM. However, if you roll that 11 for
init, then it becomes a whole new ballgame. Welcome
med droid or baby Boba or gonk or bodyguards, or
whatever. Anytime you can add figs to your squad
after the game has begun its a great thing.
As i said his CE is very good, but you have to keep
him out of LoS or your opponent will accurate shot
him into oblivion. The republic and Empire can get
around this with Mas, but everyone else will need a
wall corner or something. This can be a great way to
shield some power shooters or some key tech from
your opponent, but keep in mind that droids and
commanders will not be protected from accurate shot
as they don't get his CE.
100/150pts: he really doesn't work here. You don't
have enough room to bring in all the components you
need and still have room left for your big guns.
200pts: Here he is very useable, but as i said, the
meta has shifted away from him a bit. Anyone with
stealth will do better with the Bith as evade will
stay with the character until the shooter is
adjacent instead of just within 6. Hiding behind
vipers is always fun too because it makes your
opponent take the viper out before it can deal with
the shooters behind it. He is still very playable,
but his uses have lessened with the releases of CotF
and BH.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5