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Mandalore the
Set: Bounty Hunters
Date Reviewed: January 23, 2007

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.5
200 pt: 3.5
Sith Dragon |
Mandalore the
Cost: 68
HP: 120
DEF: 19
ATK: +13
DAM: 30
Deadly attack; Double Attack; Evade; Momentum
CE: Allies Mandalorians gain momentum.
Now here was what everyone was waiting for. With
Champions of the Force we gained Uliq, and the hint
of what was to come - yet another faction that would
be sorely under developed. In the lead off of big
bad baddies week, we look at their leader, Mandalore.
This is a character that at first glance looks
absolutely stellar, and i initially want to like.
After all what isn't good on him. He has Jedi like
stats with very good HP, DEF, ATK, and is yet
another fig with base 30 DAM (not sure why he landed
a Base 30, but oh well).
Take his Jedi like stats and add deadly attack for
that extra crit chance. Give him double attack, and
momentum for a huge swing whether he is standing
still, or running into you, and finally give him
evade to survive other shooters. What isn't there to
Well first of all at 68 points you usually have a
higher end character with triple attack and some
very nifty meta tricks. He gives Mandalorians
momentum which isn't bad, but not what i would call
a game breaking CE. Secondly, Mandalorians as a
whole seem to be priced very high, making it very
difficult to effectively field huge numbers of them.
All in all, every time i have seen Mandalore and the
Mandalorian faction come out in a tourney, they have
been absolutely shellacked by the competition. Most
of them are 'glass cannons' - very big offense and
low HP and DEF.
100pts: I haven't seen him tried here, but he is
theoretically feasible. This format is home of the
big guns and Mandalore is a big gun. Give him the
right support and you should do fairly well with him
with his damage output.
150pts: Same goes for here. He is feasible here, but
for some reason he never quite stacks up to the top
squads in this format. He ends up being a very
dominant fig in areas where B&B and Boba, BH don't
see much play.
200pts: While he is playable here, it seems the more
points you add, the worse the Mandalorians perform
as a whole. Build carefully and he is a good figure,
but in the end he always seems to be a let down. Run
him. Have fun with him, but don't expect great
things from either him or the Mandalorians.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
In my day
(1/7/83), the word "indomitable" meant something.
You were either domitable or you weren't, and if you
weren't, brother, you were set for life. Mandalore
the Indomitable is many things, but he's not
indomitable. Not really. Not the way it used to be.
He is an interesting package, though. He's got a big
Damage rating of 30 and the ability to use it twice
a turn with a respectable-for-a-ranged guy Attack
rating of +13. He'll be standing still for that
Double Attack, but he does have Evasion to help him
avoid counter fire, and the tantalizing possibility
of Deadly Attack, meaning he throws criticals twice
as often as most pieces, but still not very often.
Okay, so we've got his role clearly defined: he's a
cannon that stays well away from the fight. Except
for two things, one of them positive and the other
negative. The good news is that he's got Momentum,
so if someone's starting to sneak up on him, he has
the option of hitting them extra hard once. This
won't always be the best option, but options are
good. The bad news is that he doesn't have Accurate
Shot, and there's no legal way for him to get it, so
until you clear out the fodder, that giant gun is
going to be pointed at Ugnaughts if your opponent
knows what he's doing. Hmm.
The Mandalorians, however, were built to be an
extremely synergistic faction. The Basilisk War
Droid, with its Strafe ability, is obviously a great
way to clear out any fodder in Mandy's way, and
perhaps put some damage on the real targets at the
same time. Throw in the fact that Mandalore's
Commander Effect grants Momentum to the Basilisk, so
that all of those lovely Strafe attacks are at
+4/+10, and you can see what a loving, supportive
faction these guys are.
The Mandalorians are so synergistic, in fact, that
Mr. the Indomitable's CE works on every single one
of them, including the Mandalorian Commander, whose
Mobile Attack-granting CE in turn affects Mandalore.
Neat. Mandalore's Momentum trick also does wonders
for the Mandalorian Blademaster, who gets both of
his Twin Attacks enhanced.
Mandalore is an oddity: he's the most expensive
piece in the game who doesn't suffer from Melee
Attack, so his stats are lower than you might expect
at his cost. He's also one of the linchpin pieces
for the most synergistic faction in the game (and
the only one who didn't go to the same tailor as all
the others).
Overall rating in 100: 2.5 (no room for the rest of
his pals here)
Overall rating in 200: 3.5 (will require very
careful and clever play, but potentially very
powerful; not a piece for beginners)