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Mini of the Day
Qui-Gon Jinn
Set: Clone Strike
Date Reviewed: January 30, 2007

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Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt:
200 pt:
Sith Dragon |
Qui-Gon Jinn
Cost: 40
HP: 110
DEF: 20
ATK: +15
DAM 20
Double Attack
Force 5
Force Absorb; Lightsaber Block; Surprise Move
Today we jump WAAAY back to clone strike. Qui-Gon
Kicks off our Jedi of Prophesy Week, so lets see how
the Jedi that continuously rebelled against the
council and found a certain little boy (commence Jar
Jar flashback now) stacks up.
Stat-wise Qui-Gon is very solid. 110HP makes him
much sturdier than many of the smaller Jedi out
today. The DEF and ATK are also very solid and in
the upper tier of Jedi, and of course you have the
base 20 DAM.
He has some nice abilities as well. Double attack is
a good for offense. Block is some decent defensive
power, and with 5 points he has a nice force base to
draw from. Then you have his signature move in
surprise move. It allows you, after initiative is
determined to move 6 squares. This is good in a few
ways. It can get you get away from a triple attacker
and avoid a net 1 attack. It can let you get next to
an attacker if you win init and get your double off,
or just get out of the way of a shooter. It also
enables some fun with the doors if you want to get a
shot off and then have them close. His last power is
great in a world of lightsaber assaults and sith
rages. Force absorb gives him some nifty defense
against adjacent force powers.
So why doesn't everyone play him? In today's game he
is a bit over costed, seeing as the released a new
version of him who is just as good for 5pts less,
but not so much that he is not playable.
Surprise move is better than master speed, simply
because it allows you to unleash a double attack
versus having to run up there and then wait a turn.
Sweep and Anticipation are very good powers, and
Force spirit can be huge. So which one is better? It
depends on the squad, but either is playable.
100pts: While it wont be a top squad, he could be
played here with good results, just not so much
against the dominating tier of squads.
150pts: Here he is playable. I ran him with Master
Yoda and did very well with him, but again here you
need to make every point count, so he won't fit into
many squads.
200pts:Here he can go with CS Yoda for that extra
reroll on block, or General Windu for a solid triple
attacker. Point for point, yes the JWM is a better
piece to use, but for those that want to try
something different give Qui-Gon a try. He is one of
my favorite pieces.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5