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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Commando Boss
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: July 5, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
Sith Dragon |
Commander Boss
Cost: 19
HP: 30
DEF: 17
ATK: +9
DAM: 20
Order 66; Stealth
CE: At the end of this character's turn, one
follower, whose name contains republic commando, may
make an immediate attack.
You may be wondering why we are doing Boss now in
the middle of A&E pieces. Well, it has to do with
his interaction to Tuesday's piece, but more on that
in a minute.
Boss is a very solid piece for only 17 points. All
of his stats are right on par for his price range.
Not only that, but he falls into the jurisdiction of
the Bacara effect and is a key piece to super
stealth commando teams. His CE is nice because it
squeezes one more attack out of a commando follower,
mostly likely to be Sev.
Now why bring him up this week? Because he makes a
crazy fun squad with Governor Tarkin. When you run
the Governor with Boss, Boss then gains double
attack. Tack on his extra shot to a Sev, you
essentially have a 19 point piece with triple
attack! If you can catch your opponent in a bottle
neck, you can mow them down faster than they can
squeeze through. The down side to this fun squad is
that A) its expensive and B) It is low on HP. Since
you have to run Emperor, Sith Lord to get the O66
guys into the empire, you end up not having room for
Thrawn without sacrificing too many Bosses. If you
do get bull rushed and miss too many attacks, the
squad can fall fast, but with a double attacking
Bacara and Quad attacking emperor you have a lot of
fire power to use.
100pts: not real good here.
150pts: Here Boss is playable. You will most likely
want to stick with basic Republic super stealth at
this level and not more than a couple of them. The
+9 attack of the commandos is their biggest drawback
as you will have a hard time with big Jedi rushing
at you under cover.
200pts: Here you will have plenty of room to play.
You can bring him in to the empire via Sith Lord or
you can run with the republic for basic O66
goodness. You won't ever want to run more than 1-2
unless using Tarkin, though because you will want
more followers than commanders, but with Tarkin,
load your squad up with a lot of Bosses and have
fun! Either way he is a very good figure for his
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
"The Bothans rooked us again." Obi-Wan (pink5
Returns Vol2) |