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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Set: A&E
Date Reviewed: June 12, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.75
150 pt: 2.20
200 pt: 2.40 |
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 22
HP: 70
DEF: 14
ATK: +11
DAM: 20
Ambush; Double Attack; Rend +20; Savage
Today we look at Exar's new pet. The gundark just
went out the window thanks to the new Gumby-wanna-be.
As much as i do not like the sculpt of this figure,
its an awesome piece. Just by himself, he can lay
out 60 DAM with a fairly good attack value for only
a 22 points. Also, with Ambush, you have the ability
to do the 60 DAM from 6 out, instead of having to
have to wait until you base a figure. His 70HP is
that magic number that no matter what is going to
take at least another hit (3@30DAM or 4@20DAM), so
your opponent has to use that one more attack to
kill it. In the end this piece can be run by itself,
but is made huge by Exar's CE.
100pts: Not enough room for it here.
150pts: Your best bet is to use him with Exar, but
at 150pts, you are only going to get one in before
you have to go to the smaller savages for
200pts: Here you will get a couple more in, but i
wouldn't run more than 2-3 or you will end up way
short on activations. I would also be careful not to
let them lead the assault. Let the Nexus and
Massassi lead the assault and let the Wampa go
through clean up. In the end he is a very solid
figure, but good luck getting 2-3 since he is a VR.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
"The Bothans rooked us again." Obi-Wan (pink5
Returns Vol2) |
Hassan Ninkin |
Ninkin's reviews
So week 2 of the A&E review is starting off with the
Rampaging Wampa.
Let's just compare it to the regular Wampa from
Rebel Storm to see how it holds up.
Rampaging Wampa
Faction: fringe
HP 70
Defense 14
Attack 11
Damage 20
Melee Attack
Double Attack
Rend +20
cost: 13
faction: fringe
Defense 16
Attack 7
Damage 10
Double Attack
Melee Attack
Rend +20
So, for 8 points, you lose few defense, gain 20 HP,
4 Attack, 10 Damage, and gain Ambush. Probably a
fair trade for cost value, but the original was
hardly playable, so I think they should have shaved
a few points off the rampaging version.
11 Attack won't hit many decent figures, and it
can't be boosted by most commander effects, but it's
a vast improvement over 7 attack for 10 damage. The
original Wampa could never get it's rend attack to
work because even if it did have the enemy character
based, 7 attack was low enough to miss most figures
at least once. Bumping it up to 11 helps a bit, but
gaining Ambush is what will get this guy's attacks
to hit. If you have to base an enemy with a 14
defense figure, you'll need those 70 HP to survive.
Getting an ambush off means you should be able to
take down a couple soft targets before getting put
100 point: 1.7/5 Not a great piece for it's cost,
and it can't fit in an Exar Kun squad at this level.
150 point: 2.2/5 A little more likely to see play
here, still probably in a Kun squad or less likely
as an Ooglithed member of a NB squad
200 point: 2.4/5 With 200 point so full of commander
effects, savage figures lose a bit of steam.
sculpt: 5/5 IMHO this is probably the most
attractive looking piece in A&E
Bottom line, use this figure for fun, leave it at
home when it's a serious competition |