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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Mara Jade,
Set: A & E
Date Reviewed: June 28, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.00
150 pt: 4.00
200 pt: 4.00 |
Sith Dragon |
Mara Jade,
Cost: 45
HP: 110
DEF: 20
ATK: +12
DAM: 10
Cunning Attack; Deadly Attack; Lightsaber; Stealth;
Twin Attack
Force 4
Lightsaber Assault; Lightsaber Block
Today we look at the lone new republic piece of the
set. Since it was released the NR has not gotten
very many figs, but it seems that when they do get
some, they are fantastic! Mara is no different. She
is a pricey 45 points, but man is she ever loaded.
All of her stats are very solid. I am not a huge fan
of the base 10 Jedi, but in the end the only
differences is when they roll a critical. Ironic
since Mara has deadly attack.
Of course all of the Jedi have lightsaber so they
can do 20 DAM when basing someone. Mara also has
Cunning and twin so she can become a whopping +16
for 60 DAM! What makes her offense even better is
that she has assault, which now means if Talon helps
you win the init you can now attack one character
for a huge 120 DAM! The nice thing is that she can
shoot, and if she can get cunning, she can really
soften up targets before they even get to her.
Defensively she has some nice options as well. She
has stealth to protect her from non-accurate
shooters, or you can run a Bith Vigo and give her
evade. She also has block to deal with Melee
characters. With four force points, you can really
let loose with your force spending. If you decide to
run Master Skywalker, then she will start with five
force points, so she is set in the force department.
100pts: I don't know if she is competitive here yet.
If you can get the init you can do 120 DAM to a
character in one activation which is huge, and for
only 45 points, you have lots of points to play
with, but the problem is you are missing her bestest
150pts: Not only is she playable here, but she is
one of the top squads. The basis for the squad is
her, Talon, Jaina and Han in Stormtrooper Armor. It
gives you recon, disruptive, and a charging assault
for both her and Jaina, so if you win init, you can
really hammer at your opponent. Lobot is there as
well for activations and customization. It is a very
good squad, but you have to be careful when running
200pts: She actually takes a bit of a dip here
because of the thin selection of NR characters, but
she is still good and still playable. It seems the
NR right now is only as good as the Han you bring in
with you, but that is nothing new.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
"The Bothans rooked us again." Obi-Wan (pink5
Returns Vol2) |
1089 |
Mara Jade,
New Republic
Points: 45
Hit Point:110
Def: 20
Att: +12
Dam: 10
Stealth, Twin, Cunning, Lightsaber, Deadly Attack
Force 4
Lightsaber Assault
Lightsaber block
Hello everyone, I'm the new reviewer here, I'm on
the WotC boards as Jedimaster1089.
Alright so today we get to see the New Republic's
new beat stick, Mara Jade. For her abilities she is
seriously under costed, but hey the New Republic
need the boost. She can easily bring the New
Republic to tier 1 tournies.
Lets just look at her abilities for now, She has the
ability to deal 120 damage in 1 round, AFTER moving
6. The only other figure that can match this damage
out put is Lord Vader, only difference is that she
has more attack then him. With a whooping +16 attack
for 30 damage adjacent adjacent unactivated enemies
she can put a dent in any figure. Not only is she
able to move 6 and attack 4 times but because of
stealth she is able to close into the enemy more
safely than other beatsticks. Also she is able to
shoot a few times on her way up for 20 damage a shot
with cunning. Once engaged in combat if shes up
against someone such as LV or Bane then she can
block their attacks also, although deflect might
have been more helpful.
Now on to her stats. For 45 points she has amazing
Stats. 110 hp to start out with a good. The extra 10
hp lets her live an extra attack from most attacks
she with take 6 hits to bring down. Then 20 def is
very good for todays game also. Then +12 attack is a
very good base attack for a shooter. the highest in
the game is 13.
Now her Synergy with the NR is great. By adding
Talon Karrde for Init control she will be able to
cunning attack more. Then through Jania you can
rbing in Han RH or Han ST, Han RH boosts her damage
output even more and the Han ST allows her to run 12
and attack somebody for 60 damage. Not a bad combo
at all.
2/5 100pts. Not enough support for her
4/5 150/200 This is the playing field for her, Now
she can benefit from many different commanders. |