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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Darth Vader,
Imperial Commander
Set: Alliance &
Date Reviewed: June 6, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3.5
150 pt: 4.9
200 pt: 5.0 |

~The Jumping Flea |
Hey everyone.
I am sorry I have not been here to review and such,
but two knee surgeries have prevented me from doing
much of anything. Anyways, I am here now! Lets take
a look at my new favorite miniature, Darth Vader
Imperial Commander.
For 53 points you get some serious meat. 140 HP is
great, +15 attack is nice, 20 damage is the norm,
and 23 defense (!) is flippin' sweet. Double attack
is okay, although with Riposte he has an effective 3
attacks against melee attackers. Deflect is great,
Sweep has its moments and Grip is simply amazing.
(Auto 10 damage = the best grunt killing move in the
game) All those Force powers with 5 Force points to
boot as well!! This guy is a tank for his points.
Now we get to the best part; his CE. Trooper
Followers gain
+6 defense. (Yes +6!) Not that the Stormtrooper
needed a boost! 22
on a 5 point character is ridiculous (Same defense
as Mace Windu!) Sandtroopers on Dewbacks are quite
good now. 60 HP, and a 23 defense for 15 points! The
Stormtrooper on Repulser Sled is now the highest
defense piece in the game with a whopping 24
defense! This Vader is not only an impenetrable
tank, but he makes all under his command tanks as
Another point is because this Vader is a Commander
he benefits from the new Tarkins CE. 3 attacks from
this guy is absolutely devastating when combined
with the defensive properties he has. Also, Piett
and this Vader allows even more power through your
troopers by giving them more offense to their
ridiculous defense. Thrawn can also give that +3 to
attack on those troopers and the luxury of force
immunity. All in all this guy is a team player and
is the best piece in this game IMHO. Have fun with
him as his versatility and Pirate like defense will
make him a difficult foe. (See my Squad Link and
look at the Imperial Trio for my favorite Vader IC
100-(3.5/5) Not his format. Can be used here, just
not as effectively.
150-(4.9/5) Here he can truly shine. Troopers and
him are the most defensive combo in the game.
200-(5/5) His best format as the more Troopers, the
more abuse.
Check out my Squads |
Sith Dragon |
Darth Vader,
Imperial Commander
Cost: 53
HP: 140
DEF: 23
DAM: 20
Double Attack
Force 5
Force Grip 10; Deflect; Riposte; Sweep
CE: Trooper Followers get +6 DEF.
We kick off the new set with a new Vader, you knew
he was coming. This has to be perhaps the best,
well-rounded Vader yet in my opinion. Rob has said
that the Jedi are going through a recosting because
they are just too expensive to hang with their power
shooter counterparts. If this and the JWM are
examples of the Jedi to come, its gonna be a sweet
time for the Jedi in future sets.
This Vader not only has incredible, well,
everything, he starts at a measly 53 points! For
that you get a whopping 140 HP, the highest defense
given to any characters so far in the game at 23, a
solid +15 for attack, and the standard 20 DAM and
double attack. To put it into perspective, only the
seldom used sith lord and Vader Jedi Hunter have
equal or better stats and they are 60+ point pieces!
This Vader has the best force power package in the
game with only the JWM being anywhere near his
class. He has an awesome 5 force points, where most
of the playable Vaders only have four. Vader has
deflect to protect against shooters. He has the
standard grip. It can have its purposes, but i could
pass on this. The only Vader with a grip worth using
is RotS Vader with the 20 DAM choke. He also has
riposte. I would much rather have this than block.
With block you only have a 50/50 chance of stopping
damage where against most melee pieces, you will be
rolling an 8 tops! It helps against bait and switch
squads. Finally he has sweep, which provides great
swarm control.
If all that wasn't enough for only 53 points, his CE
is game breaking! Giving a +6 base DEF to any figure
is huge, but when you can give a non-unique 5 point
figure a base 22 DEF even the mighty Boba will balk
at those odds. This Vader can almost single handedly
bring back the stormtrooper hordes that were played
early on in the game's history. FYI - His +6 DEF
does not stack with thrawn, but Thrawn can still
give the +3 for attack, so its not a total waste.
100pts: I don't think he is playable here because
Bane is just so huge, but the meta is still
responding to the new set so something may yet pop
150pts: While the exact forms are still popping up,
he can see play here because he is not only a cheap,
great fighter, but he has that killer CE that is
usually prevalent in 150.
200pts: Here he can become just plain scary! With
nothing else that is 29 Stormies with a 22 DEF! But
Vader also received some more support, one of which
we will be reviewing Thursday, that make him even
better. Vader Lovers this Vader is a must! He is
just crazy good at 53 points! |