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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Admiral Piett
Set: Alliance &
Date Reviewed: June 7, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.75
150 pt: 4.00
200 pt: 4.50 |

~The Jumping Flea |
Hey guys,
sorry about the short review, I had a busy day!
Todays mini is an incredible one. Admiral Piett.
Ok so for the 20 points you pay for this guy you get
very low stats. This guy is not a fighter though. He
has Recon, which is a great move in itself.
His Commander Effect is where he really shines.
"Trooper Followers within 6 squares gain
Opportunist." Yeah, that +4 to attack and +10 damage
against activated enemies is quite amazing. A simple
Stormtrooper now shoots an activated enemy at a +8
for 20 damage. An Elite Stormtrooper at a +12 for
30. Combine this sucker with Vader IC (See my Vader
review 6/6) these 5 point grunts can dish out some
SERIOUS damage and not be hit with the most amazing
defense for their points in the game. A 5 point
grunt with these Commanders can have a 22 defense
(Same as Mace Windu) and a +8 attack for 20 damage.
(Same as Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor) That is
just insane.
Because of this commander, pure Trooper squads are
now a viable threat. Just watch out for Disruptive!
100: (4.0) With Vader IC and loads of troopers; it
may work.
150: (4.9) Again, pure troopers and Vader can kick
some serious butt.
200: (5.0) All that is great in 150 is better in
(Another key tip: Sandtroopers on Dewbacks are now
complete BEASTS for their points. With Piett and
Vader they will have a 23 defense, 60 HP and a
possible +12 for 30 damage. (Momentum and
Opportunist) All that for a measly
15 points! See my Squad "Hell Riders" in my squad
page for complete abuse on
Check out my Squads |
Hassan Ninkin |
Here's my Piett review: nickname: Hassan Ninkin
Admiral Piett
Cost 20
HP 50
Defense 15
Attack 5
Damage 10
Unique, Recon
CE: Trooper followers within 6 gain Opportunist
So the Empire has added yet another commander to
their ranks, no big surprise there. However, Piett
gives the Imperial player an entirely new advantage
to work with. Since Stormies are likely the best 5
point piece in the game, Piett gives you even more
incentive to field an entire battalion at once. I'll
assume he's not the only commander you've got going
for you and suggest that an entire squad of +11 30
damage Accurate shooterswith a defense score well
above a 20 should be able to neutralize most threats
they face.
I think this may have been what old Ben Kenobi meant
when he said that only Imperial troops are so
Recon probably won't save you with the advent of Han
Solo, Rogue, and it seems useless when you've got a
37 point guarantee on your side.
Final rating:
100 point: 1.5/5 Don't bother. It takes too many
points to build a good imperial CE squad, and there
are better choices at this price (Veers)
150 point: 3/5 He should start seeing some play
here, since you can afford other commanders to
complement him.
200 point: 4/5 Imperial commander effects keep
getting better.
I like Piett enough that I still field him in 150
games, but remember tos pend your points wisely in a
Piett squad, because you need to be able to
outactivate your enemy. |