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Image from
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: March 1, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.25
150 pt: 2.75
200 pt: 3.00 |

~The Jumping Flea |
Sorry for my
absence everyone! I was in California for a week and
then came over with the flu! I am back now so let us
get on with today's miniature!
Here are his stats
Cost: 27
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +10
Damage: 10
Special Abilities:
Jedi Hunter +4 Attack and +10 Damage against enemies
with Force ratings.
Melee Attack This character can attack only adjacent
Paralysis If this character hits, living target is
considered activated this round, save 11.
Poison +10 +10 damage to living enemy, save 11.
Stealth If this character has cover, it does not
count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther
than 6 squares when choosing targets.
So basically what you get here is an annoying
miniature to deal with. The Vornskr looks good on
paper. 70 HP is great, 18 defense is decent, +10
attack is good and the 10 damage sucks. Then you get
to his abilities!
Stealth is always welcome, Poison +10 essentially
ups his damage, Paralysis is neat when you can get
it off, and Jedi Hunter is one of the best abilities
out there. This little rat can attack a Jedi at +14
for 20 damage with a Poison save (could make it 30
damage) and Paralysis (Stunning a big hitter is
always very good).
Despite all this, I cannot see myself EVER using
this guy in a normal build.
27 points can just flat out be spent better on many
different combinations.
This guys suffers the same fate as many other
figures, too small to be a big hitter, to big to be
a small filler. This leaves the Vornskr out of place
on most of the squads out there.
There is ONE saving grace for this guy. Nom Anor. A
Vornskr that is Super Stealthed can get into a
battle easily. To fully take advantage of this
rodent, however, you must charge at a Jedi. Even
then, most Jedi can toast the Vornskr (Check the 26
point costing JWM and see who would come up top...).
In other words the Vornskr is only useful against
low costing Jedi, and with Nom.
Cool piece, cool idea, BAD outcome...
100: (1) Being over 1/4 squad he doesn't bring
enough to the table.
150: (1.5) Again too much spent for too little.
200: (2) Can be OK, only with Nom. NOT top tier in
ANY way. |

The Lonesome Stranger |
Yeah, my
first review.
Today we have the Vornskr, one of my personal
favorites. Why, you ask? Because of Poison and Jedi
Hunter, and that he doesn't have Savage. I know, I
know, 70 Hit Points isnt much to speak of since
bounty hunter, but still, think back to a time when
it was movie sets without factions with 5 characters
that are half decent, when you could make a team in
a 100 point squad with uniques that take up half
your squad, and still both sides have an honest
chance at winning (even though this is from Universe
the first non-movie/trilogy theme sets). Anyway,
Vornskr is a good miniature, i kicked my friend
royally with 3 Vornksers and a Yuzzem, and he had
his precious nom bomb squad. Either he is REALLY
bad, or the Vornskr doesn't get the attention it
100 Point Squad- 3.5
200 Point Squad- 4.0 (The more, the better)
Sculpt 4.5 (This pose makes Vader wet his dark suit
of sweetness) |