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image from
Wizards of the
Set: Clone Strike
Date Reviewed: March xx, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 3.50
150 pt: 4.00
200 pt: 4.00 |

The Lonesome Stranger |
Stranger here
to tell of an amazing piece that it is underplayed.
Take a look at my picture.
Durge kicks major tail. He has double attack,
flight, bounty hunter +4 and a decent commander
effect. He gives characters with melee attack
momentum. And he has 100 hp, not too shabby. The
only bounty hunters with 100+ hp are the fetts and
maybe a few others. The melee bonus is good for
drones, Komari Vosa, Assaj Ventress, or Grievous.
Maybe Aurra Sing. But, if you really look at this
piece you realize the 1. Grievous should NOT have
beaten him in the Clone Wars, and he should have
fought Kenobi in Episode 3, and 2. He has
Regeneration 10 which means he can fly to a
strategic position, stay there and not be weighed
down by melee attack, and Heal himself without
lifting a finger, and have all the little melee
attackers run to the front. Those little melee
attackers may wear a big sign that says "SHOOT ME!"
but, Durge can pick 'em off for you and your kin we
wish you a merry... sorry. anyway, he is fully
equipped (has great abilities) he gets great gas
mileage (lasts long in battle) and costs 2 bucks a
month (doesnt cost too much for what you get).
100 3.5
150/200 5 |
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 39
HP: 100
DEF: 19
ATK: +10
DAM: 20
Bounty Hunter +4; Double Attack; Flight;
Regeneration 10
CE: Characters that end their turn within six of
Durge gain Momentum.
Durge used to be a pretty good piece. Now he is a
pretty good piece that just doesn't seem to stack up
in today's meta game. For everything he can do i
don't know that his 39 pts is too much. In a faction
of 50+ point characters, his 39 points makes him a
decent fit for any of the CIS Sith builds (living
characters). His stats are all fairly good for a
non-Jedi, but seem to be lacking any uberness in
today's world. The +10 is a bit low, but the +4BH
helps against uniques.
Double attack is great. It is almost a must in
today's game. His large base is a bit of a drawback,
but the fact that he has flight helps him with
terrain that slows most large characters down. It
also lets him run without provoking AoOs.
Regeneration 10 is a nice ability, but it wont do
much unless you let him take a few early hits then
run the big Jedi up, so Durge can sit and gain HP
back, but 10 HP just doesn't go very far. You
generally wont get more than 2-3 rounds of healing,
and even that is hard because its hard to sit still
in today's game of Jedi, mobile attackers and super
His CE can actually be good, especially for grunts
that round out your squad. A +4ATK and +10 DAM can
make it possible for your little guys to not only
hit, but score a cheap 20 DAM as well.
100pt: Here i suppose you could play him here. If
you round the rest of the squad out with grunts you
will have a huge activation count, bu t in the end i
don't know that it would cause enough DAM unless
every grunts attacks hit, which is unlikely
150/200pts: Here he is playable. As I said he makes
a nice add to the Seps with his cost, but today
there are better fringe pieces for equivalent costs.
He is a solid tier two piece basically because the
Seps are just a horrid faction - great pieces, but
no synergy. Durge is a piece you bring out for a
really fun game.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |