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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: May 1, 2007 |
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 3
DEF: 12
ATK: +0
DAM: 10
Satchel Charge
This little piggy went to market. This little piggy
went home, and this little piggy took a left turn at
Alderaan, went past the Hapes Consortium, and landed
in a little city in the clouds where he learned how
to blow things up real good.
What to say about the Ug. He is cheap. Then he is
cheap again, and oh yes, did i mention he is cheap?
Well, that and he can blow up doors. This little guy
became the new filler staple with the release of
CotF. Run in pairs he can take away door advantage
from people running Lobot and R2. I say pairs
because if you only run 1-2, your opponent can
accurate shot them and have door control back.
Ugnaughts also makes great filler when you have the
last 3-15 points in a squad and you don't know what
to do with it or need to get your activations up.
100/150/200 - Ah! Finally a character that works
just as well in all three formats! LOL, yeah he is a
real Jedi killer. Although i would not use more than
2-3 in a 200pt team. Once you start using more than
5 as filler, then use 1-2 ugs and round out the rest
with ewoks for a slightly better offense with their
+1 and swarm since there are not that many door you
have to worry about in 200pt DCI.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |