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Mini of the Day
Sith Dragon |
Saesee Tiin
Cost: 26
DEF: 20
ATK: +13
DAM: 20
Cunning Attack; Stealth
Force 2
Lightsaber Block
Today's character is one of my personal favorites,
especially when running General Windu. Saesee has
very good stats for only 26 points. He has a solid
20 defense and +13 attack, while the 100 HP isn't
bad either. His abilities are a nice bag of tricks.
He is one of the few Jedi for the republic that have
stealth. Before all of the accurate shot, it helped
him get into the fight without being too hurt, but
now it can give him evade with help of the Bith
Vigo, making him that much harder to hit. On top of
that, if you throw in CS Yoda, he gets a free reroll.
His stats are good for 26 points, but when you throw
cunning attack on top of that, he becomes a +17 for
30 damage!
Saesee's big drawback is that he only has a single
attack, so his offense is a bit limited by that.
General Windu Is a great friend to him. The thought
of getting that +17 for a total of 60 DAM is just
too good for me to pass up, and can really force
your opponents hand if you set up correctly. He ends
up in every one of my General Windu squads.
100pts: Like most, he just isn't big enough here.
150pts: Here you can play him, but there is just so
many points to spare, and he won't make most cuts
despite his pros.
200pts: Here he is pretty good. AS i have suggested
he has basically two good friends. CS Yoda combined
with the Bith Vigo Make him very hard to hurt until
its too late with his evade, and General Windu makes
up for that lack of double attack. The cool thing is
in A&E Saesee will be getting another stealthed Jedi
to help him out in the Yoda/Bith squads. Stay
tuned..... ;)
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |