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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Barriss Offee
Set: Champions of
the Force
Date Reviewed: May 17, 2007 |
Sith Dragon |
Barriss Offee
Cost: 17
HP: 60
DEF: 18
ATK: +8
DAM: 20
Rapport (Luminara); Synergy (Luminara)
Force 2
Force Heal 20
As requested from a reader, Today we review my
favorite Jedi - Barriss. As much as i was looking
forward to this piece, i was really hoping for more.
Her stats are a low HP of 60 and a paltry +8 attack.
Her defense is a minimum for a unique Jedi, but its
okay for who she is. So is she a bad piece? Well,
actually she isn't. When you look at her cost, she
is only 17 points. Her stats are almost godly at
that level as they are well above the norm for a 17
point piece. Her rapport with Luminara is nice as it
shaves yet another point off, and the synergy boosts
her attack to a whopping +12 (at least whopping for
16 points).
While i knew she would probably be a healer, i was
really hoping she would have more than 2 force
points. You either use your FPs for heal, or save
them for a reroll/movement.
Her big problem is that she has synergy with a piece
that you run almost exclusively for her master
speed, in which case Barriss cannot keep up. Also,
as good as her stats become for only 16 points,
being unique and a Jedi means she is going to die
very quickly against a lot of the power shooters out
there. I was really hoping for a mid 20ish costing
Jedi from her with a bit more umph to her, but CotF
seems to be the set of the glass cannon.
100pts: nope. natta. nothing. Way too small to run
150pts: Here she can actually be run. If you are
running Luminara, she can be worth running as well.
200pts: At this level she is very playable, and can
get even more boosts from other Jedi. The best
commanders to run with her are going to be General
Kenobi for the extra movement and General Windu. By
giving her double attack, General Windu turns her
into a very nice piece. If Qui-Gon dies, the she can
get a boost for her force heal, but there are
usually going to be better pieces to give it too.
She is a lot of fun to play, but not a top tier
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5