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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Dark Hellion
Marauder on Swoop Bike
Set: Bounty Hunters
#26/60 U
Date Reviewed: May 22, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 1.75
150 pt: 2.50
200 pt: 2.75 |

The Lonesome Stranger |
Stranger here
to talk about more minis
so lets take a look at a friend of mine. The Dark
Hellion Maurauder on Swoop Bike.
His name is a mouthful but here are his stats:
Number: 26 / 60
Rarity: Uncommon
Cost: 10
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: + 5
Damage: 10
Special Abilities:
Gang +1
Mobile Attack
Speed 12
At the cheap price of 10, you get 30 hp, speed 12,
mobile attack, and an attack bonus if any dark
hellion gang members are around. Mobile Attack isnt
too shabby either.
But really, if you think about it, he sucks because
no way can he go toe to toe with just about any
figure with a higher cost than him. At best, hes
good for picking off ewoks, then of course, who
still uses those guys anyway? the 3 point has been
locked out with Ugnaught Demolitonist, and you get
more bang for your 3 bucks. Though the speed 12 is
good for hit and run, the fact that most bounty
hunters figures arent melee attacks, and many have
accurate shot and other bonuses, the only thing he
is looking fine.
100: no (1)
150: perhaps (2)
200: if you must (2.5)
Chinchilla |
Sith Dragon |
Hit Points:
Defense: 14
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Special Abilities:
Flight This character ignores enemy characters, low
obstacles, and pits when moving.
Gang +1 +1 Attack against a target for each other
ally whose name contains within 6 squares of that
Mobile Attack Can move both before and after
Speed 12 Can move up to 12 squares and attack, or
double that number without attacking.
Today's mini is one of the most versatile pieces in
the game, though you will never hear it. By itself
its stats really are not that bad for only 10
points. The mobile attack can keep it alive, and the
speed 12 gives it a very nice range in which to move
and attack. The gang +1 can be good if you are
attempting a gang theme, but generally it will not
net you more than a couple of points. Flight is nice
because where ever it goes it will never be slowed
by low objects and difficult terrain.
Lets face it. This is pretty much a 200 pt format
piece. You might find a need to fit it into 150, but
generally it will be found in 200pt games. What i
really love about this piece is its versatility. In
a normal squad it is a great gambit gainer. If you
play the starship map (hardback) and end up on the
airlock side, you are generally at a gambit
disadvantage. With the swoop bike, you can run it
into the elevator shaft and safely gain gambit. The
only way your opponent can defeat it is to run a
piece around, which will generally be more than
10pts, right into your line of fire.
The other use is with Exar Kun. These things can go
24 squares, which is a long ways when you have
flight and can ignore terrain that slows everyone
else down. Exar swaps into it and proceeds to light
up your opponent. Read my tourney report for more
info here.
The other way is Thrawn. The swoop bike is a nice
way to run the piece out and then swap it with
another bike, an E-web, or other large based
By itself this is not a great piece even though it
is solid for its points, but as a tech piece in an
army, it truly is an amazing piece.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |
Hassan Ninkin |
Dark Hellion
Marauder on Swoop Bike
cost: 10
HP: 30
defense: 14
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Gang +1
Mobile Attack
Speed 12
New reviewer here, hope my insight doesn't throw
your game into last place.
10 points is easy to spend in most builds, but you
have to spend it wisely, because there are so many
good figures to choose from in the under 10 range.
This is one of the good ones if you ask me.
You probably won't be using it for its cost-average
defense, HP, or attack values, and its only a 10
damage figure, so you probably won't be attacking
with it very much either. So why is it useful?
Flight, speed 12, and a large base.
Most figures with 2x2 bases suffer from difficulty
in moving through difficult terrain, and others
suffer from low speed (e-web anyone?) Combining the
mobility of the Marauder with board switching
abilities like Thrawn's and Exar Kun's and you've
got a quick and easy way to get high damage pieces
into position without risking attacks of
opportunity. Mobile attack is just an added perk.
100 points: 2.5/5 useful in the right builds and
cheap enough to fit in easily
150 points: 3/5 still a good piece, and with more
options available, it can serve multiple roles
200 points: 3/5 no real improvement over the 150
point build, because any extra support you get from
your other pieces isn't going to be really
influential compared to the other options out there