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image from
Wizards of the
Coast |
Sly Moore
Set: Revenge of the
Date Reviewed: May 24, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.0
150 pt: 2.0
200 pt: 2.5 |
Sith Dragon |
Cost: 28
DEF: 13
ATK: +0
DAM: 0
The second piece of the week is another piece that
helped my squad win the Nexus tournament. Sly Moore
is a one trick pony to be sure. She does one thing -
dominate. That is it. It was a fantastic trick when
she first came out, but people quickly adapted to
her. You can use her on an opponent's character in
hopes of getting their Boba to shoot some guys for
you, or if two characters are next to each other,
then melee someone. This ends up not being a very
reliable way to spend 28 points though. Jedi can
reroll their attempts, so they have a better time at
resisting her.
The other thing you can do is get a piece of yours
in position and then attempt to dominate it. This
time any force points the target has will help you,
but can really suck if you missed and did it too
early. While a bit better than attempting to
dominate an opposing Jedi, its still risky if you
over extend.
Sly would be playable except she has two problems.
One - to dominate, it takes her whole turn, so she
cant move. She has to be in position a turn before
you actually want to use it, which could leave her
vulnerable. Also, after using it, she cant go back
into hiding. Also, whoever you are using has to be
where they need to be. While they can do most
everything they could do on a normal turn, the
dominated character cannot move. The second problem
is that most smart problems will go after her first,
since she is usually exposed when being used. This
will cut down on her squads synergy and cramp it
pretty badly.
There are two ways to overcome this. One is to run
something to overcome her stone feet. The Rodian
vigo can protect her by making her a very hard
person to target when the rest of the squad is in
front of her. R2 can also help by moving her into
and out of position to keep her safe between uses.
The final and best use is Exar. His teleportation
helps keep her completely sealed away from the
enemy. If his domination fails, the worst you are
going to lose is either a 10pt bike or 3 point ug or
other small piece. Then Exar basically gets a
sextuple attack on the target.
Sly is a 200pt character only. She needs lots of
help and support to work worth a darn. While her
dominating of enemies must follow normal targeting
procedures, she can dominate any living ally she can
see, regardless of cover. She is a very hard
character to use, but if used correctly, and your
die doesn't let you down, then she can be very good
in the right squads.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5 |
Hassan Ninkin |
Sly Moore
cost: 28
Hp: 40
defense: 13
attack: 0
damage: 0
special ability: dominate
statwise, sly moore is disgusting. only 40 HP with a
defense that an ugnaught could hit, sly won't last
long at all against accurate shooters. Dominate is a
nice ability, but prone to failure when you're
really counting on it to work. Builds with Sly
typically include Durge or Bossk, BH to give them
free regeneration, or a force user who can reroll
their save if they don't fail.
I personally like to use Sly with the Nightsister
and Emporer Palpatine to dish out up to 180 points
of damage (all in two quick, cheap activations) that
can only be blocked by someone with the uncommon
force defense ability.
Overall, a subpar figure, but with a very
interesting ability, if the die lands your way.
100 points: 2/5 Some might think she's too expensive
here, but I disagree, as she can make a solid second
half in a very one-sided dynamic duo build
150 points: 2/5 her cost doesn't hurt as much here,
but she's useless if her dominate fails
200 points: 2.5/5 a little better here, but only
because you can afford her easily.