Super Battle
Droid Commander
Set: Universe
Date Reviewed: Oct. 30, 2007
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
100 pt: 2.00
150 pt: 4.00
200 pt: 5.00
Darth Liserak
Super Battle
Droid Commander
cost 19
def 14
atk 4
dam 30
Synchronized fire
CE Droids are subject to this effect. All Non-unique
droid followers within 6 squares gain careful shot
The super battle droid commander is a very good
piece in any droid based seperatise squad. It is one
of the main trinity pieces that can give your droids
a +12 attack boost. most people will go with the
battle droid officer instead of this piece just
pecause it does what this piece does but a little
better. It gives all droids +4 attack boardwide. The
only Difference between these two pieces is how they
act in combat. This character can acually deal
damage with the rest of the squad. With synchronized
fire you can get a much better chance of hitting.
100 2/5 He takes up too many points for a droid
based squade in this format. Seperatist droid don't
really work in this point range.
150 4/5 this is where they really shine. you can
get a nice amount of droids in and will be doing
damage like crazy.
Synchronized fire (Characters who combine fire with
this character grant +6 instead of +4)
CE: Non-unique droids within 6 squares gain careful
shot +4
Today's piece is a nice addition to any droid
squad. .His stats are pretty average for a 20ish
point commander. His attack is a bit lower, but he
has base 30 DAM and the sync fire can also be nice.
You also have the +4 from the Battle Droid Officer
who basically will make him a +7, so not bad.
His CE is why you will bring him to the party,
though. If they don't move he can add another +4 to
the attack of nearby droids. On top of the BDO,
this gives most droids a very hefty attack for some
nice damage. On top of being on the cheap side, you
can decide if you want to bring him in through any
form of reserves or reinforcements, or just bring
him in normally.
100pts: Droids don't work very well here because
they are notoriously low on DEF and HP.
150: Here you can bring in some nice droids, but
unfortunately non of the huges (see my last Ask the
Dragon). That still leaves you crabs, destroyers,
Dwarf Spider Droids, ect. He is worth bringing to
any droid ruckus.
200pts: Here you can fit him in nicely, but you may
have to choose between him and Thursday's piece.
For his cost he is a must for any droid squad. He
even has decent damage output for a commander.