This is easily one of the best figures in the set.
Given that it is huge and you can say that only
magnifies how good it is. For a 52 pt piece you are
getting some pretty decent stats. 140 HP is very
good. The 20 DEF is awesome for a non-power Jedi,
and given the fact that it is non-unique means that
it wont suffer from bounty hunters. The +11 isn't
real great for 52 points, but at the same time, it
is very do-able for reasons i will get to later.
The abilities are through the roof on this guy. It
has speed 8, which is always nice for huges without
flight. It can take him awhile to get places because
of trying to get his base across difficult terrain
and cover squares. Being a Rancor, of course he has
MR2 and triple attack. This is a very nice combo. It
allows you to set up way from your opponent and get
the triple if you win init, where they still have to
base you. It also has regeneration 10. For this to
ever be of any good, it has to be on a beefy
character. This guy qualifies. Most of the time it
wont mean anything as you are either, as Obi-Wan
would put it, "Always on the move," or the fact that
it is only 10 pts wont add up to much. Still, in a
defensive fight where your opponent has to come to
you, it can be of some help. Let's just say it
definitely doesn't hurt the figure. Penetration 10
is a new one that is nice. It can now walk up to an
AT-ST, say hi, and then smack it in the face. The
final ability really is what puts this character
through the roof - parry. He gets free blocks for
every single melee attack made against it. The
Felcor, as i call it, is a Jedi's worst nightmare. A
Jedi can have every single attack blocked and then
get a triple attack to the face.
The Felcor does have Force 2 for some rerolls on bad
attacks or a bad parry. It really won't do much
other than that, but again it only helps the figure.
100pts: Forget it. While with the help you could fit
into its squad, it could be competitive, the fact
that it is a huge can cause you games on map choice
150pts: Again, it could be a great piece in this
format, but maps are going to kill you. The bad side
of Bespin is an auto loss and many other maps have
natural choke points that even its MR2 won't
200pts: Here you can run it in all of its glory, and
the options are limitless. Thrawn gives it a +3/+3,
making it a 23DEF base/27DEF in cover. Since bounty
hunters won't get a bonus on it, it will be really
hard to hit by about anyone.Then you have Thrawn's
swap to get it across the board as well. Run a Goof
bird(AKA-Dactillon) and you can practically be
across the board in a single turn. Master Kota also
beefs this sucker up with the +3/+3, but now you can
have boosted Fetts/Aurra and a repulse 5 backing it
up, giving your opponent a LOT to think about. CS
Yoda gives it free rerolls on its parries. You can
cloak the thing in a Nom bomb squad. Charging Han
can let it move 16 and still attack. Garm allows it
to move four and still triple. Tack on the MR2 and
that is an impressive reach.
The Felcor can fit into so many different rolls that
it is just incredible. It will be hard to get
because the booster is so easy to cherry pick. The
Rancor boosters have always been far and away the
heaviest of the huge boosters. Once you get it, play
it. It is a fantastic piece.
"Dude, the fat guy totally just blew up!" -Pink 5
"The Bothans rooked us again." Obi-Wan (pink5
Returns Vol2)
Darth Liserak
Felucian Warrior on Rancor
faction feringe
cost 52
HP 140
def 20
atk 11
dam 20
This is one of the truly best huge pieces out there.
He is a beast in melee combat were he can get his
triple off and regeneration. this is pretty much an
amped up rancor. so lets compare their stats. For 19
points you are getting +40 HP. +2 def +3 atk
penetration 10 parry and force 2. I think these are
very much worth the points and you can deal with
almost anyuthing that comes at you.
100 3/5 the only problem with him is that he is a
huge. in the 100 point maps he can eat the opponents
squad but cannot get to them. ( on an interesting
note. you can pare him up with Darth Tyrannus in a
dynamic duo and have a really good melee combat
150/ 200 5/5 he is a really good piece for his
Figure art 5/5 he is one giant piece of work. love