This is in my top three figures of this set (Shaak
and Felcor being the other two). It also happens to
be my favorite of the Fetts as well. For 58 points,
his stats are a bit dubious and misleading. 110HP
isn't shabby, but it inst exactly great either for
58 points. The 19 DEF is a bit low. The Attack of
+10 is pretty bad, and the 20 DAM is standard.
So why is he one of my favorites? Well, bounty
hunters are notoriously misleading with their stats.
Base stats usually suck because there are solid
boosts to them with abilities. Fett is no different.
As with most of the old Bobas, Merc has flight and
accurate, making him a deep range strike threat
against commanders or tech like R2. Merc also has
the standard BH+4, making him a +14 against uniques.
That isn't bad, but keep in mind that is only 2
points better than baby Boba.
It is the last two abilities that make this Boba so
fantastic. Boba can't be left with a sub standard
attack, so to give Merc a boost, they gave him
cunning attack. Now he can swing for a +14/+18 for
30 DAM. That is some fire power to respect as a
double attack will take out about any mid range
character like Talon or R2PO. The final power is a
great power as well. Intuition allows him to move
out or back into hiding after you figure out who is
going first. This will help his average defense and
HP last longer. It also makes your opponent approach
carefully. Most figures are going to be in sad shape
after taking a quick 60 DAM.
100pts: I haven't heard of him being played here,
but i dame say that he could fit well. My second
favorite combo is to match him with Han, RH so Boba
now shoots for 80 DAM with initiative. Tack on Han's
30 DAM and a lot of figures are going to drop fast.
Boba's Intuition can also keep him away from most
Jedi. Bane's assault will help him keep up though.
Give him a go. I can see Merc being competitive
150pts: Here He is pretty good. He takes up a chunk
of the points, but with the damage he can deal out,
it should not be hard to boost him with the right
support. I ran Merc with Han, RH and did very well.
The thing you have to watch out for are the auto
init squads that will take away your cunning.
200pts: Here he can shine for all his glory. Not
only is Han a good match, but here, Garm is a very
good fit. Garm allows for Merc to basically gain a
double attacking mobile attack. He can intuition
out, double, and then use Garm's effect to move
three back into hiding. This opens the door for all
sorts of combos and help.
I love this Boba. He is powerful, but not overly so.
You have to know how to use him and build around
him. Garm is almost tailored to fit with him every
time. If you get him, enjoy. He is a great piece and
loads of fun to play. Most definitely a top three
piece for me from this set.
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even
if it's not the nearest enemy)
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an
enemy who has not activated this round)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make
1 extra attack instead of moving)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is
determined, this character can immediately move up
to his Speed before any other character activates)
This is the new Boba fett from the force unleashed
and it is a more point conserving piece. He is ment
to be with someone in his squad and work with them
not just a beatstick (bounty hunter.) He has cunning
attack which really fits him. That and bounty hunter
can give him a respectful 18 attack for 30 damage
that is better than bounty hunter. he has double
which is standard and also has intuition. This is a
very good abbility that can allow boba to actually
get positioned for his double attack at the
beggining of the round.Overall avery good piece.
100 5/5 works very well here. He has a make shift
mobile to use were he needs it.
150/200 5/5 he only gets better and better.
art 1/5 no flames on the mini! come on.
Boba Fett,
Set: Force Unleashed
Faction: Fringe
Number: 47/60
Rarity: VR
Accurate Shot (Can attack an enemy with cover even
if it's not the nearest enemy)
Bounty Hunter +4 (+4 Attack against Unique enemies)
Cunning Attack (+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an
enemy who has not activated this round)
Double Attack (On his turn, this character can make
1 extra attack instead of moving)
Intuition (Once per round, after initiative is
determined, this character can immediately move up
to his Speed before any other character activates)
Hello fellow sentients. When I saw the set list for
Force Unleashed, I was a little concerned about this
charcter. Most (if not all) pieces with "mercenary"
in the title are stuck with a very limiting SA of
the same name. The "mecenary" rule is that if a fig
can make an attack from its current posision, it
cannot move. You can see why a 58 point piece would
be virtually worthless if it had this special
ability. This Boba only has mecenary in his name and
not in his ability list thank god. For a fig that i
thought would have stone feet, this guy is very
mobile. He seems to be more of a thinking man's
piece but this guy can deal out the punishment. This
Boba, on average, can dish out more damage that his
Bounty Hunter version. Seeing as Boba, BH is the
holy grail of Boba, lets do a comparison of both
shall we?
The Stats:
Cost: 58 - 4 points cheaper than Boba, BH. Better
use of points IMHO.
Hit points: 110 - 10 less than Boba, BH. Boba, Merc
will survive just as long. More in a minute.
Defense: 19 - 1 less than Boba, BH. Play Smart and
it won't matter very often.
Attack: 10 - 2 less than Bobam BH. Kinda hurts but
his Abilities will make up for it.
Danage: 20 - Same, but can be increased by
The Stats edge goes to Boba, BH. Period. However,
you don't just play a figure for its stats do you?
The Special Abilities:
Flight - A staple for Boba. A Very useful tool for
movement over "cluttered" maps. Lets you get away
from Jedi without taking an Attack of Opportunity.
Accurate Shot - Another staple for Boba. All Bobas
have it. Its nice to be able to shoot almost
anything on the map whenever you want...
Bounty Hunter +4 - Another staple for Boba. A little
less than the +6 that the BH version offers but this
fig wouldn't miss very often if he had the +6.
Double Attack - Double attack is not as good as twin
for my playstyle but it depends on your strategy.
Cunning Attack - This is one reason why you'll use
this Boba over the BH version. Being able to attack
with +4 and hit for 60 damage a turn is awesome.
Boba, BH hits for 40 a turn on average, assuming he
doesn't roll a 20.
Intuition - This is the other reason you will play
this Boba. Intuition lets you move 6 spaces after
the initiative roll before anyone moves. This
doesn't count towards your move so you can use it to
get into position for your double. It will also
allow you to get back into cover if you find
yourself exposed at the end of the round. It
basically give you a free 6-square movement that
your opponent cannot respond to right away.
The Special Abilities edge definatly goes to Boba,
Merc. Sneaky little rat.
As far as a strategy for building a squad around
him, there are certainly many. Pretty much any kind
of initiative control will let him use his Cunning
Attack. Try Thrawn or a proble droid with Recon with
the Empire, Quinlan with Recon or Jedi Master Qui-Gon
for the Republic, or the Muun Tactics Broker for
everyone else. Use the Intuition at the beginning of
the round to get into position, fire your double at
+4/+10 for massive damage. This will leave him
exposed so bodyguard him. The other option is to use
initiative at the beginning of the round, shooting
once and getting back into cover. If you are gutsy,
you can drop him somewhere (R2-Astro) to get his
double off at the end of the round and move him into
cover with intuition after the next initiative. Try
this guy in any squad with initiative control and
you'll really be happy. The sky's the limit so have
fun with it.