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Hello, fellow Pojo Readers! Today, I wanted to talk about
something rather important. This is something that many
people recently introduced to the game do upon their first
few matches, but don't be offended if you are part of that
crowd. We all were there ourselves, especially me. This is a
talk about big melee beatsticks. Now, what beatsticks am I
talking about? Here is a petit list that I summed up for
*Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter
*Darth Vader
*Darth Vader, Champion of the Sith
*Darth Bane
*Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master
*Quinlan Voss
*Ulic-Qel Droma
*Warmaster Tsavong Lah
*Exar Kun
*Darth Maul, Champion of the Sith
*Darth Sidious, Champion of the Sith
*General Windu
*Mace Windu, Jedi Master
*Mace Windu
With one or two exceptions (and don't tell me its the Ewok,
either) most of these are beefy beatsticks. Now, I know
there are more than just that, but this is to get you a
general idea on what to look for.
Most less-experienced players (newbies is a rather harsh
word) fear of losing their MVP on their team, and that
psychologically hurts them alot of the time. With this fear,
they keep their key melee piece in the back hiding from the
enemy's shooters. If you are new and have this fear, you
must remember that you shouldn't be afraid, but the enemy.
Wouldn't you be afraid of a beast staring you down that can
block almost anything you throw at it, plus have an effect
that can do serious damage if you got too close? This is one
of the key reasons why Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter is one of
the most intimidating pieces in the game. Use that to your
However, if you don't send in your beefy beatsticks early
enough against a firing squad such as Droids fueled by
Battle Droid Officers or Clone Troopers fueled by Bacara,
Gree and Cody, then they will eventually get you down. Trust
me, I learned the hard way. I was trying to keep my Darth
Vader, Jedi Hunter a long time ago away from an X-1 Viper
Droid in case it managed to hit me. How did that match work?
Well, the same X-1 that kept firing at me was staring down
the remains of my army before I was obliterated. I made a
rookie mistake by wanting to keep my MVP away from the
threats, and my enemy got the best of me. Now, if I went
ahead and went agressively towards the huge beast (although
he's a droid), I probably would've won.
So, after ranting about beatsticks and what-not, I hope that
all of you have a Happy 4th of July! ^_^
If you would like to contact me, my e-mail address is if you're curious. I get lonely
during the summertime, and could use the company. See ya