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From: Kevin Dowrey []
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 1:49 PM
Subject: Simple ways to beat characters/decks (basic stuff)
- Kevin Dowrey
This is just a list of characters/decks i've run into
several times and how to beat them.
1) Aurra Sing
I know she is a nasty character, 130 HP, decent attack and
defense, and that pesky accurate shot. If you've run at her
with anything with force you know that she tends to tear
thru them, especially when backed up with just about any
other jedi/sith. Her force rating allows her to be affected
by jedi hunters like vornskrs, however, her accurate shot
will remove them long before they can get to her. If you
rely on force users, and have some with light saber deflect
or reflect, they can work against her, all her attacks are
considered non melee, so they stand a better chance of
getting to her and ruining her day. CS Yoda would be the
best at this task since he can use the force three times a
round but he still runs the risk of running out of force,
even with force regen. Force users with reflect/deflect will
end up taking 30 damage repeatedly from either bad saves or
from running out of force. If you happen to have bounty
hunters in your deck they work wonders on her. She doesn't
receives her jedi hunter bonus against them and if you do
have force users in your deck they will most likely be the
larger target for her. They also gain +4 attack against her
so she will become an easier hit. 4 Lom with his careful
shot and bounty hunter will end up hitting her more often
than not, boba fett can hit her most of the time even if
there are people in the way, and most others at least stand
a better chance of hitting her. If you want to cut to the
chance though, the X1 is probably her, or any non melee
characters, biggest issue. She can avoid it with her
accurate shot, she can reroll failed saves against it a few
times, but none of that can save her against it, one on one.
If you can keep it defended but keep its defenders out of
her line of sight she will fall. Wat Tambor around the
corner healing it but not in her line of sight will remove
her from the game.
2) Darth vader, Jedi hunter
The true meaning of pain. With his seemingly limitless
amount of force powers, dark armor, and high defense and
offence, he will cause any player some problems. Almost
nothing beats him one on one, with the exception of a very
lucky CS Mace. If his force regen is bothering you, i've
found that vornskr, though quick to die, will take his force
down in a hurry. It can survive one triple attack from vader,
meaning if your smart with it, you can take out a chunk of
his hp (up to 60). Vader makes a choice too when a vornskr
attacks. Does he use light saber block to block the attack?
If that fails he may become paralyzed or take more damage
then he should or both, so does he save it and hope he can
make the rerolls? But then he takes up to 30 damage. So
either way, the vornskr will get at least two attacks at
him, if you play it smart, and that will remove two force
from vader, almost guaranteed. Problem is, vornskr is just
fodder, and very expensive fodder at that. Another choice,
in 100 anyway, is to pick off one
of vaders support with an accurate shot then hide behind a
door with override. Its a cheap way to beat him, but if it
is allowed, it works nicely. A final option is to shoot at
him, a lot. If possible take out anything that can heal him
first, then just concentrate all your fire on him,
eventually he will run out of force and you will just hit
him. Bounty hunters and aurra sing work nicely at this when
he is out of force. Just remember he still has force regen,
so don't use your high hitter till he uses his force. Also,
RotS r2 with flight is nice to have around since he can tow
your attacker away from vader.
3) X-1 Viper Droid
DON'T USE NON MELEE AGAINST IT. Its that simple. With its
attack of 8, higher jedi/sith stand a good chance of making
it to this one unharmed.
Light saber deflect also adds to the survivability of
whatever you send at it. If your lacking in melee
characters, best thing to do is avoid it as much as
possible. It is huge, meaning if you can get it to move it
will be slow to catch up to you. Remove whatever it has for
support and then fire at it. Force users with range can be
slightly helpful since they can reroll
the save, but they will take damage still. Grenades,
missiles, and flamethrowers can hurt it as well.
4) R2D2 (rots version)
R2 is an annoying little droid. Accurate shot will be very
helpful in removing it but you still have to overcome the
defense in cover. R2 is unique, meaning you can use bounty
hunters against him, they will help, and he is also a droid,
let me tell you, there is no greater joy then blowing that
little droid up with a jawa. Just combine fire with the jawa,
add general veers commander effect, maybe add palpitine from
RS, and you get a nice smoking droid in one shot almost
every time. Only problem with the one hit kill on R2 is that
you use several activations the round you do it. It also
requires several characters you may not have in your deck
(veers and palpatine RS) If your lacking a jawa and/or
accurate shot, you can try to maneuver enough to hit him
with bounty hunters, but if the opponent is smart enough,
you will have trouble with that. One last option that comes
to mind is area effect attacks. Missiles, Grenades,
flamethrowers, since R2 is adjacent to whatever its towing
you can use these and hope for the best.
Remember though, usually he is adjacent to what he is
towing, and what he is towing is adjacent to you. As for
override, CotF has some characters that will take care of
those doors.
Now for some squads.
Squad one
Nom Bomb - Annoying little pyro deck. There are two very
good ways to deal with this deck, number one is to kill nom.
A jedi/sith with multiple attacks may work for this, just
make sure that if they have a trigger (like
flamethrower) to kill that off before nom. Force leap also
makes getting to
nom much easier. Nom's special may hurt if your not careful.
The other way, and by far the superior, is to use admiral
ackbar. Its a trap "any character within 6 squares of this
character with stealth loses stealth"
Meaning, ackbar is a safe zone. If it doesn't have stealth,
it doesn't blow
up. That saves you the trouble of dealing with the deck,
just keep ackbar alive.
Squad two
Mobile attack squad - Hit and run. These are usually
centered around the Lando from Universe. If that's the case,
kill lando and the squad dies.
Killing him is the problem though, the usual tactic is to
hit and hide, its the point of the squad. Running at it with
jedi/sith work nicely, so long as you keep them out of sight
as long as possible. If they are prepared for
this, with a jedi/sith of their own, try drawing that
character out or overpowering it. Remember, your objective
is Lando if he is there, mobile attackers if he is not. If
all else fails, deny it battle, kill one of their
characters, then sit and wait. They won't be able to use
their hit and run if they have to charge you. If possible,
pick off a weak character of theirs then go where they can't
hit you. If they don't come, 20 turns you win, if they do,
you have the advantage and should be able to take them all
Squad three
One beat stick - Ow, my head hurts. These aren't as common
but still can be
annoying. Decks like Darth Vader, jedi hunter with a medical
droid or 4 lom
can really hurt. Best thing to do against these is to kill
or cut off any medical support they have first. (cut off
being sticking huge characters in
the way so it takes longer to get to it or blocking the hall
to it off
completely) After that concentrate on the character.
Normally bounty hunters en mass should do a decent job on
the single character, since it is normally unique. If it is
not, several multiple attackers will beat it before it can
beat you. 6 hits to three, it will die first. Also, you have
activations on your side, normally, fighting withdrawal
(shooting then moving off 6 squares) works to separate your
squad from a melee only character, making it have to run
further to reach each one of your characters and letting you
get in more attacks. Keep each of your characters in line of
sight of each other and of the enemy as much as possible. If
it is a ranged character like boba fett, hit and run works
alright, fire then hide behind a wall, mobile attack works
nicely for that.
Also, the more ranged, the merrier. Deny the beat stick
Squad four.
Chain or support decks - my, what a lot of commanders you
have. These decks
rely on synergy. Everything works together to make
everything else stronger. So accurate shot is a plus.
Normally decks like this have at least one bodyguard and a
"shield" or character that takes the fire, along with a
medic to heal the bodyguard/shield. First thing to do it
pick off the medic if possible. If you don't have accurate
shot, try to missile or grenade the
bodyguard/shield/whatever the medic is next to. After the
is down the shield(s) and the bodyguard(s) will fall and you
will stand a much better chance. If the deck is more of a
commander effect biased deck, take out the commander(s).
Once again accurate shot is helpful. If you cut
the head off a snake the rest dies.
Final notes.
These didn't fit anywhere else.
If you read this, you noticed I mentioned accurate shot a
lot. They are very helpful for any deck. If you have them
they make nice additions.
Anything that is helpful to you is helpful to your opponent
as well. If you
see something in their squad you would like in yours, get
rid of it. If they have accurate shot, try to get rid of it,
if they have good commander effects, get rid of the
Never break your characters into two groups unless you can
make it hard or costly for the opponent to get to either
group. Other side they can overwhelm you with their numbers
or their power. (loners being the
Flight adds mobility, if you have it and need to get away,
go thru as much difficult terrain as possible, it will slow
your enemy down and you can fly away. You can also move thru
enemy characters, remember that.
ALWAYS USE COVER and try to keep out of line of site as much
as possible.
(thanks for reading)