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3: Down but not Defeated
By Vornargith
The simple, straight forward condition set to defeat a
character is that he, she or it must be reduced to zero hit
points. That works just fine… in fact, there’s nothing wrong
with the rule. But what if a little detailed element from
the RPG gave characters reduced to exactly zero hit points a
chance to be revived?
A character (non-droid, droid, or mechanical) reduced to
exactly zero hit points can be considered “down,” not
defeated. His/her figure is tilted over or marked to
indicate the condition. Effectively, the character is
rendered immobile and cannot be activated. If the character
can be healed or repaired by the end of the next round, then
it comes back into play on the following round. If the
“down” character cannot be restored in time, or if he is hit
again and reduced to below zero, he is defeated.
Immobilized: Immobilized
characters receive a –4 penalty to their defense. This
includes “down” characters and any characters affected by
abilities that paralyze, stun or otherwise cause a character
to lose their activation (such as force mind trick). Other
characters – enemy or allied – may move through a square
occupied by an immobilized character without worrying about
attacks of opportunity. They may not end their movement in
the same square, however. An immobilized character is still
considered a legal target, and must be considered by an
attacker when determining which enemy he can attack.
The “Down but not Defeated” option can effect the game
significantly. Characters with healing and repair abilities
become more valuable to squad construction. Because of the
one round time limit given to revive a down character,
there is no serious risk that game play will be extended and
bogged down. It may also be necessary for a player to spend
a little more time “finishing off” down characters, insuring
they will not come back into play. Cannon fodder like
Stormtroopers have the possibility of extended longevity.
For a cost of 1 point, a character may
gain this one-time use ability… Once per skirmish, this
character can restore 10 hit points to a down ally. A
character may only take this option once.
With a squad of grunts equipped with Stimpacks, the enemy
may discover that the little people are not so easily tread
upon. Hopefully, the “down but not defeated” option adds a
new dimension to your casual play. Happy gaming |