Have several 20-sided dice ready. Hello Pojo Readers, Crunch$G back here to tell you about what you should know about the latest Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck to hit the TCG. This time around it is a retrained version of Spellcaster’s Command Structure Deck that was released over a decade ago now modernized to be a more playable strategy. Ever since the Spellcaster’s Command deck was released in the 5D’s era and all its Spell Counter support, we have received the Pendulum Mechanic and how that can synergize with Spell Counters, so it was natural the new Spell Counter support was Pendulum Based, and there’s a lot of effects to break down, so I’ll get right on into it.
The Endymion Empire
As stated before, we have new Pendulum Cards that support Spell Counters, which makes sense as Pendulums can act as Spells. The new boss monster is Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic and he is a Level 7 with a Scale of 8 and a Pendulum Effect that lets you remove 6 Spell Counters from anywhere on your side of the field to Special Summon him from the Pendulum Zone and destroy cards on the field up to the number of cards you control that you can place Spell Counters on and then place Spell Counters on him as a monster equal to the number of cards destroyed. As a monster, this new Endymion has a once per turn quick effect that lets you bounce a card you control with a Spell Counter on it to negate the activation of a Spell/Trap and destroy it and then place Spell Counters on this guy equal to the number of Counters the card bounced to the hand had, he also is immune to targeting and destruction by the opponent
while he has Spell Counters and if he is destroyed by battle with these Spell Counters, you can search for any Normal Spell. Reflection of Endymion is a Level 7 with a Scale of 2 and while in the Pendulum Zone, she gains Spell Counters every time a Spell is activated and resolves and you can remove 3 counters from her in the Pendulum Zone to Special Summon a monster you can place Spell Counters on from your hand as well as Special Summon her from the Pendulum Zone and then you place a Spell Counter on both monsters. As for her monster effect, you can only Special Summon a Reflection of Endymion once per turn, upon being Special Summoned she can bounce a card your opponent controls and a card you control with a Spell Counter and then
she’ll gain the Spell Counters of the bounced monster, and if she is destroyed by battle with a Spell Counter then you can search for any Endymion card. Magister of Endymion is a Level 3 with a Scale of 8 and he also gains Spell Counters in the Pendulum Zone when a Spell is activated and resolves and he can remove three counters from himself in the Pendulum Zone to Special Summon a face-up monster from the Extra Deck you can place a Spell Counter on, along with himself from the Pendulum Zone, and you then place a Spell Counter on both monsters. As a monster, you can only Special Summon a Magister of Endymion once per turn, he’ll gain a Spell Counter when he attacks, during your opponent’s turn lets you remove three Spell Counters from your field to Special Summon a monster from the deck you can place Spell Counters on, and if Magister
is destroyed in the Monster Zone then you can put him in the Pendulum Zone and place counters on him equal to the number of counters he might of had as a monster. Servant of Endymion is the other Level 3 with a Scale of 2, gains a Spell Counter in the Pendulum Zone when a Spell is activated and resolves, can remove three counters from herself in the scale to Special Summon herself from said scale and a monster from the deck you can place a Spell Counter on and then place Spell Counters on both monsters, as a monster you can only Special Summon a Servant once per turn, if she has a Spell Counter then she can attack directly, once during the opponent’s turn lets you discard a card to place a Spell Counter on every card you control that can take Spell Counters, and if she’s destroyed in the monster zone then she goes to the Pendulum Zone
and gains counters she might of had as a monster. The final new monster is the Link 2 Day-breaker the Shining Magical Warrior, who has bottom left and bottom right arrows, requires two Spellcasters to summon, gains a Spell Counter upon being summoned, gains 300 ATK for each Spell Counter it has, gains a Spell Counter once per turn if a Spellcaster is Special Summoned to a zone he points to, and once per turn can remove 2 Spell Counters from himself to target and destroy a card on the field. As for new Spells (there’s no new Traps), Spell Power Mastery is a Normal Spell that upon activation lets you search for any Endymion card and then you can place Spell Counters on any cards on the field that can hold them equal to the number of Spell Power Mastery and/or Spell Power Grasp that you control and/or is in your graveyard. Endymion’s Lab is a Continuous Spell that is treated as Magical Citadel of Endymion while in the Spell/Trap zone, gains a Spell Counter when a Spell is activated and resolves, and if a Spellcaster is destroyed by battle then you can remove 6 counters from the field to Special Summon a Level 7 or higher Spellcaster from your hand or deck. Dwimmered Path is the final new Spell and upon activation lets you add a Spellcaster Effect monster from your graveyard to your hand.
Noteworthy Reprints
Now for the reprints in this deck, with the main one being Droll & Lock Bird, which makes sense as it is a Spellcaster and is a great hand trap in general. Magical Abductor is good with these new Endymion cards. Dark Magician of Chaos is nice if/when he can find a niche for himself once again. Fairy Tail – Luna is a great card to have reprinted. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy is a great card, along with Spellbook of Secrets, Power, and Wisdom. Summoner Monk is a nice throwback to the fact he debuted in the Spellcaster’s Command deck. Magical Citadel of Endymion and Spell Power Grasp are solid and both make sense in here. Terraforming is never bad. Left Arm Offering will be good when we get a very powerful Spell again. Finally, Pot of Desires is nice to get another budget reprint.
In Conclusion
The potential for this deck is most certainly there. As a pure deck, it’s great at putting negations on board, but does require a pretty solid hand and enough ways to make sure you can generate enough Spell Counters for said negations. With that said, I’m sure a good engine could make these guys very useful. Mythical Beasts I feel will be staple with these cards, but there’s other options like Pendulum Magicians and Spellbooks. You just need something to complement adding Spell Counters, but these are very good cards for the theme and worth getting three of this deck beyond just the Droll & Lock Bird and Pot of Desires.
Thanks for Reading,