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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Limited: 3
Constructed: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.08.06 |
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Today we look
at another member of the Majig family, the Rare
Gearsmith Character Gigamajig.
One of only two 6 threshold cards in The Spoils (and
both are in Gearsmith), Gigamajig is holding down
the position of biggest baddest Gearsmith Character.
At a cost of 6 you get a 10/10/2. When compared to
the biggest baddest in the other trades, Arcanist
has a covert 12/12/3 that costs twice as much, Rogue
has a nifty 5/7/6 that costs 9, Warlord has a 10/10
that is 2 faster at speed 4 but costs twice as much
(and is 5 threshold), Banker has a 5/8/3 that only
costs one more at 7. If you're playing mono trade
anyway, this guy's the best deal out there!
In limited (sealed) it'd be had to rationalize
playing Gigamajig. In draft however, if you can
major in Gearsmith, it's a keeper. In constructed
big beaters are often put aside in favor of
weaklings with great abilities.
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 1.5/5
lgmk |
wow. It only costs six yet it has 10/10/2 stats.
What is the world coming to? Oh, it has six
threshold. That changes things. In Sealed, this card
is simply not viable. Maybe if you're playing a
whole ton of Elitism for some reason, but otherwise,
In Draft, this card is simply amazing. If you manage
a mono-gearsmith (unlikely) and are able to get this
down on turn four... I'm betting that you're going
to win the game. There are all kinds of things your
opponent can do to destroy it. But if you're careful
(and this is Mono-Gearsmith we're talking about, so
Hidden Sandwhich is an option) this card will just
keep pounding them.
Now admittedly, that isn't likely in draft. For
constructed though....
For draft, if you see this, grab it. Then grab other
Gearsmith and Limited Liability along with other one
thresh banker cards. Those will keep it alive. Or
grab Quotidian Assasination and go Arcanist
Gearsmith. Or Tactician Vacation. Just find
something to protect it.
Sealed: 1/5
Draft: 4/5
Constructed: 5/5