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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day

This card
cannot be destroyed by other “node” cards.
RECONSTRUCT COST: Pay 1. Deplete this card. Pick
a "node" card in your discard pile. EFFECT:
Shuffle the card into your deck.
Limited: 1
Constructed: 4.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 12.13.06 |
doc |
Our next Node
is the Rare Gearsmith Item Lugubrious Node.
The most expensive of the Nodes so far, this Node is
an Item instead of a Character with a cost of 4 and
a threshold of 3. Also unlike our previous 2 Nodes,
this one cannot be destroyed by other Node cards.
This is a very good thing since this card’s main
ability is to keep the Nodes marching along! “Pay 1.
Deplete this card. Pick a “node” card in your
discard pile. Shuffle the card into your deck.”
Sure you can only get one each turn, but if the
circumstances are right, you can pick one out of
your discard pile at the end of your opponents turn
(if he was lucky enough to sack one of your little
beasties) and then get another one in the beginning
of your turn. A quick search or two by playing other
Nodes you were able to search for by playing the
Nodes you perhaps just lost last turn, make for a
near endless way to get Node after Node after Node
back into your hand and back into play!
If you hadn’t seen it coming, this is what makes a
Node deck tick. Certainly, having 2 Lugubrious Nodes
in play at once make it much more efficient, so
play’em if you got’em!
Lastly, this is one of the very few cards to have
errata in First Edition. While it does not say so on
the card, this Item does in fact have the sub-type
Are you ready to try that Node deck now? If not,
just wait until tomorrow!
In limited, this card has pretty much no place at
all unless you’ve got 3-4 other Nodes. In a Node
constructed deck, it’s absolutely crucial.
Limited: 1/5
Constructed: 4.5/5
lgmk |
Lug Node is
different. First of all, its an item. Second of all,
it doesn't let you search out another node. That's a
distinct downside. This is definitely a constructed
only card. You'll only ever want to play this card
if you already have another Node in hand. Otherwise
you risk stopping the chain.
Lug Node is a recovery card. If you need to use its
ability, it means that something has gone wrong,
your nodes have been destroyed. Lugubrious Node
let's you keep momentum, to some extent, after the
game's been turned against you. This brings us to a
rather important point when playing a node deck:
always have a node with the search ability in hand,
aka any node but this one. This card can only help
you recover if you have something to recover with.
It's this card that means you only ever have to play
one copy of tomorrow's card.
Some people would prefer if this card added the
nodes directly to your hand. While that couldn't be
called a bad thing, it works well the way it is.
Assuming you have a useful node in your hand, you'll
be able to search out whichever node you just put
back in your deck.
For recovery purposes I must admit that having more
than one Lug Node in play will help. Since it
depletes after using its ability, one use per turn
per node. If you want to get aggressive again right
away you'll want more than that. Another note is
that these guys will help Hub Node get its boost-
and at the same time, they're not as vulnerable as,
say, Basic Node.
Sealed 1/5
Constructed 4/5