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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day

DEVELOPMENT*COST - Deplete this card.*EFFECT -
Search your deck for an item and put it into
your hand.*DEPLOYMENT*COST - Deplete this
card.*EFFECT - You may play an item for free.
(You still need the proper resource icons.)
Limited: 1.5
Constructed: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.01.06 |
doc |
Today we
continue our trend for expensive Characters. I give
you the Gearsmith Character Epiphanal Mechanic.
Much like Monday’s Master Ritualist, Epiphanal
Mechanic lets you tutor each turn for the cost of
it’s depletion. This time however, you get to tutor
for an Item with his ability “Development”. Unlike
Master Ritualist, you get a second and just as
amazing effect, “Deployment”. This allows you to
play an item for free as long as you have threshold.
With Gearsmith being the trade of choice for items
and gear, (including recursion) this Character is
invaluable. While it has the same drawback as our
previous 2 Characters this week (it’s 1/1/3 stats)
assuming you get some of that great Gearsmith Gear
onto him, you might actually get to keep him around
for a turn or two. With any luck, it shouldn’t take
long to have a Leutoderm Goliath or two beefing up
your 31v35 (elves).
In limited, you’re not going to have that many
items, let alone great ones. In constructed, a well
cared for Mechanic is golden!
Limited: 1.5/5
Constructed: 4/5