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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
COST: Pick a
character. EFFECT: This turn, the character
loses 1 speed.
Limited: 3.5
Constructed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.13.06 |
lgmk |
Cost: 2
Threshold: O
Cost- Pick a character
Effect- This turn, the character loses 1 speed.
This card makes me think a lot of some rogue cards
like Befuddling Beggar and Jumping Screamspider. Now
it's easy to dismiss Voidal Webbing as inferior to
either of those, and I can see your point. However,
there is one thing that you've overlooked. It's a
tactic. This makes it hugely unpredictable. Your
opponent could have this very neat attacking party
set up so he had Crazed Deputy with a Kettinger
coming it at speed three and Plodding Brute coming
in at speed two as one party. The five from Brute
will kill you. With Voidal Webbing, you will survive
even if your only blocker is Research Assistant.
It's the unexpected that wins games.
None the less, it is a one use thing. As much as you
should value surprise tactics, it's nothing
spectacular. While it can be used on your own
characters to strike at different speeds (though not
more than once in an attack) it isn't as universally
useful as, say, Dragon Juice.
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 2/5
Draft: Last pick. Or close to it unless you've
managed to get several Ferrets. You won't mind
hitting your own Ferret with this in many cases.
Nimbly |
Hey hey Pojo.
We’re finally reaching the release of this epic
game, and we just got through our Pre-Release
weekends. I hope everyone is enjoying their new Ipod
Voidal Webbing
Cost – 2
Aspect – 1 Obsession
Effect – Pick a character. That character loses 1
So, what will make this card so special? Well,
anyone who pays attention to the Open Beta series
would know that this card was number 39, the card
that never got printed and everyone pretty much got
2 times as much Voidal Perversion. Imagine if we
actually got this card…
I think that if we did have this for the Open Beta,
it all the more makes Arcanists more playable. The
fact that you can lower speeds makes Arcanists at
least keep those Rogues in check, with their fancy 4
or more speeders.
So, since speeds are stacked by levels, lowering is
nice. You got a 3 speeder facing a 4? Well, instead
of their guy normally killing you without an effect
to them, they do damage at the same time. Or, if the
speeds are the same, you do damage first! For only 2
resources and a spot in your deck? Seems decent.
Now there are downsides. If you don’t need to lower
speeds, like facing a speed 2 with a speed 4, then
lowering the 2 is redundant…unless you like seeing
your opponent look at you like you’re out of your
mind. Sometimes, it also doesn’t help you if your
strength is actually “strong” enough to take down
whatever blocks or attacks you…because you’d get
smashed anyway.
So, it’s one of those situational cards that really
can fit in any deck. I don’t see much constructed
value as much as there is limited value, because by
the time constructed hits, everyone should probably
have an idea of what creatures to expect in a deck,
so the card will take a little more thinking to
Constructed – 3/5 – Use with Befuddling Beggar and
Entrancing Harlot, and you got yourself one pretty
kickin speed manipulation deck. Besides that, use
sparingly. I’d say put it in a side deck…but…there
isn’t one…
Limited – 4/5 – A little better here, because speed
confliction seems more essential here. It appears as
if this card can be another kill spell, which of
course, is the gas that fuels this engine.
Art – 3.5/5 – I get it…they’re caught in a
Flavor Text & Subtitle – 4.5/5 – IT’S HILARIOUS.
This is the spoils way of saying, of course this
card exists…you people are k-razy…
That’s it for Voidal Webbing. Anyone who got a
question or comment should e-mail me at
Later Days…
13 |
This card ticked me off for awhile lol. It took me a
week or so before I realized that it was indeed
missing from open beta. Lets just say that I was
pulling my hair out trying to figure out why I
couldn't complete my beta set and it was all thanks
to a little card called Voidal Webbing.
Mysteriously missing from beta this card doesn't
exactly scream PLAY ME, but you'll see that it will
have its uses. It only cost 2 which is great, a
perfect threshold of 1, and a neat little effect
that will be more tech than anything. While it
doesn't jump out at you as amazing it can be a
godsend if played in the right situation.
As an avid player of Pillaging Pirate I can tell you
that having a nice fat speed of 4 is quite the
confidence booster. Ill gladly attack and defend any
character foolish enough to engage me in hand to
hook combat. Now lets say I smugly block with my
Pirate then WHAMO you play Voidal Webbing and
decrease my speed to 3, making sure that even a
Majig token would insure my demise.
Still don't like the card? OK well how about in
sealed where Scouts run rampant? Yeah Ill be playing
these at our late prerelease on the 18th.
Sealed- 3 / 5
Draft- 3 / 5
Con - (not sure but I want to say 3.5)