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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Pay 1. Deplete this card. EFFECT: Put a resource
into play.
Limited: 3.5
Constructed: 2.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.21.06 |
Gerhardt |
In my opinion, Gearsmith needs a fair deal of work
to be a viable option for constructed. There was
very little Gearsmith in the top 8 of the $5k at
GenCon, with only 1 person making it a primary theme
for themselves. They will need some good bombs to
make it viable. Makeshift Contrivance has a neat
ability, but is definately not that card. It's hefty
threshhold along with it's cost of 6 puts it just
out of play. Gearsmith themed decks seldom need to
turbo put things into play, and not being able to
play this properly until turn 4 and use until turn 5
is simply too slow to make it good. By that point
you're already so close to wht you need to play
anyway that spending the card, plus enough resources
that could have drawn you two other cards makes this
fairly useless.
In limited you might have a much more limited card
pool so this could make the team. You would likely
mulligan it early or play it face down if need be,
but it is a little more useful here since drawing it
at the right time could help accelerate you into
late game card advantage.
Constructed: 1.5
Limited: 2.5
lgmk |
I want you to
appreciate the flavor of this card. Go ahead and
chuckle. Did you break out laughing and type 'rofl'
or 'lmao' into your mental IM windows? You're weird.
This is one of those wider 'in' jokes for people
who've been playing card games for awhile. But onto
the card.
This card seems to me to be built to let you meet
threshold though its ability is similar to that of
Index of Natural Forces. As far as letting you meet
threshold goes it isn't impressive as it stands at
an imposing three threshold itself. It occurs then
that it could come in handy for meeting threshold in
other trades. To me that says 'Play me in Sealed!'
Does that mean that it's bad in constructed? No! It
just means that you have to look at it differently.
In constructed it allows you to get a new resource
for the next turn. It makes you pay one to lay one
so it doesn't change anything for the current turn-
other than threshold.
Even in constructed it can be used to meet threshold
in some hardcore Gearsmith decks. There are
currently two Gearsmith cards with six threshold if
memory serves. This can certainly help you get to
those, or even a four threshold.
The final comparison that I feel should be made is
to Index of Natural Forces. Both cards cause you to
pay one to get one of the abilities on your faction,
just cheaper. Index let's you draw and this let's
you lay a resource. This card costs six to Index's
five. But then you should consider that laying a
resource, on The Tournament Faction, costs more than
drawing a card. So with the faction we have right
now you, Makeshift pays for itself in two uses.
Index requires three (oh alright, two and a half,
spoilsport). That seems to make MC the better deal.
Cards are for a day, resources are forever.
Resources are a gamers best friend.
4/5 Constructed
4.5/5 Sealed (preferably you'll have a one resource
splash trade and start with that resource and an
Elitism along with another 'main' trade to play this
13 |
Lets start things off by saying that there is more
to this card than meets the eye. First YES 6 is
kinda late game for a card like this, and yes 3
threshold is a bit rough but this card is begging to
be broken.
While your not going to see it in gearsmith splash
decks YOU WILL see it in the Mono-Majig deck. I have
seen first hand how brutal this card can be. My
brother and I designed a deck that uses this and
1337 to generate early game win conditions like...
oh I dont know... a bunch of GIGAMAJIGS! lol.
While I dont recommend playing a bunch of Gigamajigs
I can tell you that it would be possible with this
card.... well actually just about anything is
playable once this thing starts rolling.
You will see sombody break this card before the
expansion, and I may just be one of them. This card
is nasty nasty nasty.
Sealed 1 / 5
Draft 1 / 5
CON 4 / 5
Dont say I didnt warn you.