Nimbly |
Hey everyone. Unlike most of the
Spoils COTD reviewers, I didn’t go to GenCon (Any
way I look at it, I’m still a poor College
student…), but hey, good job for everyone who did.
I’ll probably see you all at Indy ;)
Ectypal Stave
Arcanist Item
Cost – 2
Aspect – 4 Obsession
Effect – Use only if a tactic was
played this turn. Pay 2+X, X being the cost of the
last tactic played, and replicate it.
Everyone, meet Knobby Stave’s older,
somewhat deformed second cousin. I mean that in a
good way. ES really can bring down the hurt for the
guy that’s playing you.
This card definitely falls into the
“Piss off your opponent by copy, counter, and
stealing” category. For 2 additional resources on
top of the last spell played this turn, you also get
to play it, or use it for a second time, however you
may be using it. Your opponent got a scrag? Hey, for
a measly four resources, you get one too! The combo
potential is enormous. Let’s say your opponent uses
a shriever attack, which kills all yours but leaves
all of your opponent’s creatures at 1 life. Hey, for
another 6 resources on your side, you get to knock
them down too. Pretty damn nice.
Now, the problem here is that if your
opponent already knows that you have this card
(which should be obvious because it’s on the
field…), then they are going to use spells much more
conservatively than they would without ES. They
aren’t gonna Scrag your Spitspider if you have the 4
resources to knock out his Vander Malagut. That
would be more stupid than…uh…um…not coming up with a
cool analogy for this line. Oh…
Also, you have to keep resources
free, which really sucks because your front line of
creatures will suffer for it. If you don’t keep up
your side of creatures, then replicating spells that
your opponent uses won’t help because he has no
reason to kill anything (if there isn’t anything to
kill), which means you don’t get any kill spells
either. That kind of makes you keeping resources
open kinda pointless…luckily you get to draw with
your resources.
Overall, not a bad card, just a good
player would play very intelligently against it, so
it makes the replication power almost completely
based on your own spells, which still isn’t bad,
just not using the full potential of the card.
Constructed – 2.5/5 –
In the right build, it can be amazing, utilizing
discard, stealing, and creature control, leaving
your opponent not many options on what they can do.
Not a great card, because you have to keep excessive
amounts of resources clear to use, which really
sucks late game. Oh, and 4 aspect doesn’t make it
any better.
Limited – 3.5/5 –
Another card that really makes your
opponent use his spells in care. Also, in this
format, where kill spells are much more limited,
replication has only that much power.
Artwork- 4/5 –
Interesting how no mater what
position the hat guy is, the cat gets hit the very
same way…over, and over, and over…again.
That’s all for Ectypal Stave. Anyone
with a question or comment to me should e-mail me at
Later Days…