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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
This turn,
your characters gain 5 strength.
Limited: 4
Constructed: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.17.06 |
doc |
Bomb Tactic
#2, the Warlord Tactic Dragon’s Anthem.
10 cost, 4 threshold. I sense a pattern emerging….
This will probably be my shortest review yet. Giving
all your characters +5 Strength will do one of two
1) Decimate your opponents troops or
2) Reduce said opponent’s Influence to 0.
Both are good.
The only cards you need be concerned about would be
Limited Liability, Tactician Vacation, Voidal
Replication and a Shocking Reappearance played on a
Otherwise, extend your hand and get ready for a
“Good game.”
In Limited, I’d use it for sure given that the rest
of the Warlord cards I got made a good showing. In
Constructed with Warlord beatsticks and pump and
direct damage, I think you can likely find better
use for your resources, unless this is one of your
win conditions in mono-Warlord.
Limited 4/5
Constructed 3.5/5
lgmk |
This card wins games. Seriously. This and Downsizing
won me my first money tournament. Downsizing really
just kept me alive until I drew this (the last card
of my deck, I'd spun it there first turn).
This card is a lot simpler than Downsizing. It
increases the strength of all your characters by 5.
You could have four Skilled Negotiators and a Hidden
Sniper and attack for the win on a clear field of
you played this. The more characters you have, the
better it gets. Oddly enough, if you have enough
characters (five or more) it is easily overshadowed
by Strength in Numbers. But there is a key
difference. Strength in Numbers only works for one
attacking party. This works even if you attack one
by one through Hangdog Alley.
Sealed: 4/5 I'm biased.
Constructed: 4/5 In constructed you might want to
choose Strength In Numbers. Then again, just run