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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
INSTRUCTION*COST - Deplete this card.*EFFECT -
Search your deck for a tactic and put it into
your hand.
Limited: 1.9
Constructed: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.30.06 |
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Today we’re
looking at the highest cost Character in the
Arcanist trade, Master Ritualist.
What does a 9 cost 2 threshold Character buy you?
How about a free tutor for a Tactic every turn. With
a simple depletion, you can fish out any Tactic card
in your draw pile. There are several cards that
tutor and most of them (if not all) are in the
Gearsmith trade. Each of them (700160x 31f, Basic
Node, Nub Node, I got the Gear!, Invent etc) is a
one shot deal (except one which we’ll se later this
week). Master Ritualist gives you a tutor a turn as
long as you can keep his 1/1/3 self alive. Since he
is only a 1 life Character with such a great
ability, you can expect him to be the target of the
next Hidden Sniper, Scrag, Skewer or even a
Brummagem Jewelry to prevent him from depleting.
While I have yet to play in any constructed events,
in the 20+ Limited events I’ve played in or judged,
I don’t recall ever seeing this card in play. It
could end up being an important support piece in a
killer combo deck, but I think those that need
tutoring will go with Gearsmith.
Limited: 1.5/5
Constructed: 2/5
lgmk |
This is the start of 'nine cost, 1/1/3' week. Have
I like this card best in a multi-trade deck. While
it can find useful tactics in Arcanist, I like the
tricks it can pull off with a LImited Liability in
reaction to anything that would kill it. Or to get a
Tactician Vacation. That sort of thing. Also works
nicely with Quotidian Misfire. Or Forced
Recruitment. Also Sacrophyle Matriculation. Any
tactic that you've considered to be 'situational'
works well with this. Seeing as you can use it in
response to an opponent's action, resolve Master
Ritualist, and then play the tactic in response to
the original action, it works quite well. And if you
don't get a reason to use Master Ritualist during
any given turn of the opponent's go ahead and use it
in the response to the end of turn to get your most
multi-purpose tactic, or just a bomb tactic if
you're playing one. Go ahead and pull that
Degenerate Molestation. You know you want to.
Of course, mostly that just pertains to constructed.
In Limited, things get tricky. There's enough kill
out there that this card might not last long. But it
can still be worth it to pull that one-of tactic,
and in Limited, everything's a one-of tactic. Point
being that playing it and getting the, say,
Executive Poaching or Irresistible Bribe you needed
to get their character out of the way so that you
could actually touch them is worth it even if it's
instantly destroyed.
The character that this card will be compared to is
Servile Centipede. The advantage that this card has
over its miniature is that this can 1. Use its
ability multiple times. and 2. Be used in response
to something.
Constructed 3/5
Limited: 2.3/5
It's still weak in stats and high in cost, and
that's hard to redeem.