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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Quick and Painful
Cost- Pick a
character. X is that character's life.
Effect -
Destroy the character if your opponent has at
least X cards in their discard pile.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 4.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.21.06 |
doc |
Today we have
our first Rogue card; the Common Tactic card Scrag.
Not only is this the first card of the
aforementioned types, it’s our first kill card. Who
doesn’t like kill cards?
One of the sub-themes for Rogues is discard. With
that, it won’t take long for your opponents discard
pile to start growing larger than his draw pile!
This makes Scrag a no-brainer. At a cost 2 threshold
2, it’s playable as soon as your opponent has even
one card in their discard pile. This is an easy way
to improve your board advantage early since you’ll
likely go from either an equal number of characters
each to a 2-1 or 3-2 advantage. At the very least,
you can bring the board back to an equal status if
you had fallen behind early.
Limited: 4.5/5
Constructed: 5/5
Gerhardt |
Me like Scrag. Me think Scrag good. Scrag say you
give 2. Then Scrag say, guy go boom if you have
enough dead stuff throw away. If do, then Scrag say
You Make: 5
You Open: 4.5
Steve "Zambo"
Zamborsky |
Scrag is a card that any pure Rogue constructed deck
worth its salt shouldn’t be without. The ability to
take out any of your opponents’ characters
early-to-mid game is pretty amazing, so anyone
playing Rogue needs to take advantage of it, if
possible. Even late game removal is possible when
playing with other factions (Banker/Rogue comes to
mind…Free Trade Agreement, anyone?). Get creative
and utilize one of the Rogues’ many tricks up their
Scrag is also amazing in limited, just because of
the scarcity of removal in the format. Plus, there
are no restrictions on playing it (barring the
life/number of cards in hand); attacking, blocking,
sitting there…anyone is fair game for a Scrag.
During a crucial attack (or block) in limited, Scrag
could make the difference between winning and
Constructed: 5
Limited: 5
Gerhardt |
Scrag has the
nice feel of being “in color”. Rogue decks love to
make your opponent put things into their discard
pile, and Scrag uses that to kill them. While not
particularly randomly splashable, Scrag may be the
best removal card in the game. With cards like Heist
Planner, Tremor Engine, and lots more, Rogue has no
issue putting things into your opponent’s discard
pile. For the small cost of two then, you kill them,
coincidentally adding to the discard pile further.
Little removal in this game is this cheap and this
absolute. I can’t see most every Rogue deck running
this beauty of spot removal.
In limited, it’s not quite as good and absolute, but
you’ll find it still almost always gets the job done
when you need it to – just not as easy to force the
issue there. In addition, silly tricks like Secret
Handshake are somewhat more prevalent, so you have
to look out for that more. Still absolutely worth
playing if going Rogue.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 4
Mistie |
While this card will see more limited play than
constructed, keep in mind it is one of the only
character removal cards for rogue. Of course in
order for it to be effective your opponent must have
cards in his/her discard pile, which means if you
are considering running this card you may want to
also play cards like Pillaging Pirate, Heist
Planner, Card Counter and Warehouse Raid to name a
few. Remember Scrag is only as good as your
opponents discard pile, but since it destroys based
on life and not strength it can be a sure fire way
to destroy characters that you can not control. The
best part is that if used correctly it can be just
as effective turn ten as it can turn two. Like the
card says it’s “quick and painfull.”
Limited 4
Constructed 3.5
13 |
Today we are reviewing one of my favorite cards in
the beta set. As a dedicated rogue player scrag is
not only an offensive staple, but a last line of
defence as well. People have made comments about
having to have cards in your enemies grave first,
but if your running rogues it should be no problem
to have at least 10 cards discarded by turn 3. Its
cheap, the art is great, and as far as removal goes
its very hard to beat.
As usuall the main question is, is this card good
enough to deck. Ill answer with the fact that I run
4 of them and 4 remembers just to cycle them back
into my hand. In short they rock. If your running
rogue you these or your a noob, lol.
5/5 in constructed
3/5 in sealed
4/5 in draft.