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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
CHARACTER*The attached character gains 3
strength.*HANDOFF*COST - Pay 3, deplete a
character you control that is not in a
battle.*EFFECT - Attach this card to the
Constructed: 3.75
Limited: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.29.06 |
doc |
Today we take
a look at the Warlord Gear card Kettinger.
There’s nothing you want to see less (on your
opponents side of the board that is) than a first
turn Kettinger attached to a Crazed Deputy, Oversoon
Lightfoot or if they’re playing more than one Trade,
Basic Node or Erotic Assassin. With any of these
combos you’re looking at a 4-6 strength character on
turn #1.
At an inexpensive cost of 2, threshold 1, +3
strength is huge. The largest defender you could see
in the first turn has a life of 5 (Berserker
Corps…but he’d most likely be dead at the start of
the next turn anyway) but more likely, a Defense
Attorney with life 4. The only match up you’d lose
to (and actually it’s a loss by both players) is
Kettinger attached to Oversoon Lightfoot. The
majority of the time, you’re starting off with great
board advantage.
Speaking of strength pump alone, Kettinger gives you
the most bang for your buck.
One other point to make about this card…
For those who have not seen all of the Beta Art on
the Open Beta cards, this one is near the top of the
“blood-n-gore” list.
In Open Beta sealed, you’ll love finding one in one
of your packs. For constructed, it will depend on
your strategy if you choose to include it.
Limited: 4.5/5
Constructed 4/5
lgmk |
What is there to say? In Limited its an easy splash
with a threshold of one. Three strength is not to be
laughed at. The best play you can make with this
generally involves attacking with a few strong
characters, getting your opponent to block those
attacks and then tossing this onto a weaker
character as soon as they're out of blockers. One of
the major benefits of gear cards is that you can
play them on a character and then attack with the
character this turn. As far as I'm concerned, that's
The Handoff ability is a nice addition as well. It
means that if your character is going down the shoot
and you have another one you can pay to save
Kettinger. Ironically the Handoff ability costs more
than Kettinger itself.
In Limited, if you get it, use it unless you're
avoiding Warlord.
3.5/5 All formats.
3/5 Art, BOOM!
Steve "Zambo"
Zamborsky |
Cheap, slow and strong…that’s what the Warlords are
(mostly) all about. And they certainly don’t deviate
from that formula with Kettinger. So it makes strong
cards stronger, right? Unfortunately, most of ‘em
can be taken out before they can deal their damage,
due to the lack of speed they possess. Good thing
you can combine factions, though! How about a
Kettinger on a Sneaking Spitspider? 5 strength
Covert that can attack from the second turn on
sounds pretty good to me. Kettinger on a Defense
Attorney is pretty nice, too; for a cheap character
you have decent life (four) and are able to dish out
four damage to the blockers on every attack.
In limited Kettinger is simply OK; not enough cards
to work in some seriously cool combos. Definitely
not a card I’d stretch to put in a deck; there are
others I’d rather have in hand when I’m playing
sealed than Kettinger.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2.5
13 |
Today we are
taking a look at Kettinger. Its very suiting that
this is a warlord card, the art kinda gives it away
anyway lol. First while this would be a good card
even in magic, the starting resources in our fair
little game make this card even better. If you see
this in your draft or sealed pack then unless the
other cards are really good then this will probably
one of your picks.
This card can spell early doom for control decks if
they are facing quick offence, (looks angrily at my
brothers rush deck). It only cost 2 and its
threshold is only 1, its easily searchable with a
wide variety of Gearsmith cards, and you can even
use one of them to search for and attach it for no
cost at all.
The thing that really sets this card above the norm
is its handoff. While alot of cards in this game
will be destroyed if attached to a dieing charector,
if you have 3 availabe resources then you can just
equip Kettinger to another beasty.
Draft: 4.5 /5
Sealed: 4 / 5
Constructed 4 / 5