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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Limited: 4.17
Constructed: 3.88
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 04.09.07 |
doc |
We start this
week with the rare Arcanist character Venomous
More bugs.
This 3 cost 2 threshold character with 2/1/3 stats
has one of the best “advantage-in-waiting” effects
in The Spoils. If it dies from battle damage your
opponent has to discard their entire hand.
Before we go any further, let’s review just what
constitutes “battle damage”.
From The Spoils rules v2.2:
“Battle Damage
The damage characters inflict during step 8 of “How
to Resolve a Battle” is called battle damage. When
inflicted, this damage is handled exactly like
regular damage. However, it is a distinct subtype of
damage and certain rules and effects may treat it
Step 8 of “How to Resolve a Battle” is the step
where damage previously assigned by characters to
characters resolves. So, if a Hidden Sniper used his
“Sharp Shoot” ability on the Sacspider during a
battle (between the time an attack is declared and
the time all characters have assigned their damage
and survivors are depleted), it doesn’t constitute
battle damage. Likewise, if it were hit with Target
Practice or Scrag, its card text is never triggered.
“But he’s only got one life.” I hear you, so yes, he
will be amongst the easiest characters to dispatch
outside of battle damage, so there is a good chance
his trigger will go untriggered. Alas, these
characters too have one life yet I see them in play
once in a while: Basic Node, Flaming Barduse, Heist
Planner, Jumping Scream Spider, Pillaging Pirate,
and Quotidian Ejector. Not only are these all 1 life
characters, they also have cost and threshold <
Maybe he’s worth a go?
In limited, this will force the use of a removal
card or cost your opponent his hand. In constructed,
there will be more removal thus likely less
triggering of his ability.
Limited: 4.5/5
Constructed: 3.5/5 |
lgmk |
The ability
to empty your opponent's hand with a three cost card
is game breaking. Unfortunately, its not as simple
as that. In order to pull this incredible move off,
you need to allow this card to be destroyed in
battle. What this ends up meaning in most games is
that you're allowed to attack freely with it, or you
save it as a blocker and your opponent doesn't
attack until they have destruction available. Or
your opponent can always get their hand down to few
enough cards that they're willing to sacrifice them.
If this is the case, then you still do well as
regardless of the value of the cards themselves,
they could have been played as resources, or
discarded for something else later on.
When it comes down to it, the only way to really
deal with the card is to destroy it outside of
battle. Seeing as the card itself has decent stats
for its cost, I see no reason not to play it in
In Constructed it has some competition, but if you
build your deck to work with it, your opponent will
rarely have a piece of destruction for anything
else. The favorite combo here is with Shocking
Reappearance. Five to block an attack and empty my
opponents hand sounds nice.
Limited: 4/5
Constructed: 4/5 |
Ian Spiegel |
I like this card. He is one good discard engine.
Arcanists are famous for their special rituals and
infatuation with bowler hats. They also seem to have
a big interest in bugs, and using them to do their
This time around, we see the Arcanists using the
Sacspider's venom to cripple the opponent. This card
is a double threshold three cost character, with two
strength, three speed, and one life. This means that
he dies easily to pretty much any spot removal, and
in a battle he's chopped liver.
His uses generally come down to being a body that
can deal two damage over the course of a couple of
turns. And thats generally nothing to scoff at.
In limited, he's an efficient Character with a
kicker. In constructed, I can see decks being built
around him.
Limited: 4
Constructed: 4 |