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Pojo's The Spoils Card of the Day  

Armored Keep



Card Ratings
Limited: 3.50
Constructed: 3.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 03.03.0

doc We close out this week with the rare Banker location Armored Keep.

The only unique location in First Edition, Armored Keep has the distinction of being the only card that can keep you in the game even when your influence hits 0. A location that can be played at “tactic speed”, Armored Keep is the life saver of all life savers.

When the end looks near, throw down this 5 structure strength location to keep you in the game for another turn or two. Since you’d be running bankers, perhaps you can pull off some influence gain to stay alive. Either way, as long as you can keep Armored Keep in play, you’ve still got a fighting chance.

In limited, it’ll be a game extender and hopefully let you pull out a win. In constructed, with proper planning you can happily run many games into overtime!

Limited: 3.5/5
Constructed: 3.5/5

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