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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Hazard Suit
Limited: 3.0
Constructed: 3.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.01.07 |
doc |
Today we look
at the common Arcanist item Ectological Hazard Suit.
More fun with tokens!
This 3 cost 2 threshold gear type item could be one
of the biggest boons to characters that already gain
something by having tokens on them, and at the same
time, it is the panacea for those who lose something
by having tokens on them. Either way, every token
gains the character +1 strength and life.
For those that have a drawback due to their tokens
(the Bankers characters Amortized Straw Man,
Entry-Level Employee, Furtive Investor, Money
Changer, Prudent Thug and Reluctant Hiree)
Ectological Hazard Suit negates the strength and
life loss due to the tokens, resulting in tokens
that mean nothing! Money Changer is fist in line to
get one of these babies!
For those that gain +1 strength and/or life for each
token on them (Berserker Corps, Gore Engine,
Guardforce Morphmajig, and the Rogue characters
Ferrous Ferret, Bipolar Sarcophyle, Thief Doyen, Red
Raven, Hyperphagic Sarcophyle) Ectological Hazard
Suit basically gives the characters +2 instead of
just +1. Can you imagine a turn 4 27/27 Thief Doyen?
To take things one step further, if you can also
swing a Dragon Catheter, your tokens are getting
bigger by the minute. Add multiples of either, and
they all get added together. (Somewhere there’s a
Ferret doing multiplication just imagining how fat
he could get!)
In limited, token use will be sporadic. In draft you
might get lucky and hit 3 or 4, but in
sealed…doubtful. In constructed, there’s a combo
deck somewhere that will beg for this in the opening
Limited: 3/5
Constructed: 3.5/5 |
Ian |
Ecological Hazard Suit
Today we look at the
three cost Arcanist item Ecological Hazard Suit.
This gear card gives the attached character and
extra strength and life for each token on it, as
well as providing the first little pump up.
This card seems to work well in some fun decks, but
seems to be sorely lacking when talking
competitiveness. It combo's well with lots of token
generators such as Moneychanger, Dragon's Catheter,
Berserker Corps, and Ferrous Ferret, but appears to
slow for a truely competitive deck.
In limited, I'd rather have a good character
although it may find its place, and in Constructed
it just seems to be lacking.
Limtied: 2.5
Constructed: 2.5 |