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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
Torture Apparatus
If a card is
depleted, that card’s controller’s faction loses
1 influence. (Resources don’t deplete when used;
they attach to your faction.)
Limited: 2
Constructed: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.25.07
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After a short
leave of absence, we bring you the Rare Warlord item
Humiliating Torture Apparatus.
Arguably the “cruelest” looking card in First
Edition, this 4 cost 3 threshold item is another
example of a card that is begging to have a deck
built around it. Virtually every Character and
several Items don’t do a thing for you unless you
use them. Using them often is accompanied by
depleting them. So if I can make you lose 1
Influence every time you deplete a card, isn’t it
just a matter of time before I win?
In a defensive Influence gain deck built mainly with
Bankers, this seems a realistic possibility. Will we
see this as yet un-talked about deck in one of the
Winter Constructed Championships coming to a FLGS
near you this weekend? Probably not. At least not
I’ve got to talk for a moment about the art on this
card. Have you noticed there’s a pineapple amongst
the bloody, pointy, sharp things? What do you
suppose that’s there for? If you get the chance,
take a look at the Beta art on this card too. If you
know who Miss Piggy and Gonzo are, you might
recognize one of the torturers!
In limited, this card will likely hurt you as much
as your opponent. In a constructed deck like I
proposed above, we’re looking at possibilities!
Limited: 2/5
Constructed: 3.5/5