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Pojo's The Spoils Card of
the Day
You may
remove any number of tokens from cards you
control. Use the tokens any way you want to
create the following effects any number of
times: 1 token: Pick a character. Inflict 1
damage to that character. 2 tokens: Draw a card.
2 tokens: Your opponent must discard a
card. - 3 tokens: Search your deck for a card
and put into your hand.
Limited: 2
Constructed: 5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5
scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.29.07 |
doc |
Today’s card
is full of possibilities. The rare Arcanist tactic
Voidal Poisoning.
For a cost of three with a threshold of 3, you get
what is arguably the greatest utility card in the
game. In a game of options and resource management,
where at every turn you have to weigh those options
to ensure you come out on top, what could be better
than having 4 different options which can be used
over and over again, to solve any given situation?
There are several versions of “token decks”. All
five trades have token using or generating cards, so
no matter whether it’s mono-Arcanist or Arcanist
comboed with any other trade, Voidal Poisoning has
its place. Granted, you like having tokens on some
cards (Ferrous Ferret, Berserker Corps, Hyperphagic
Sarcophyle etc) so you might think twice about
running VP. But even if that’s the case, you can’t
argue that there are times when you’d let your
Bipolar Sarcophyle revert to a 2/3/4 if you could
only tutor for that one card you need, or inflict 2
- 3 damage to get rid of that pesky character that
you know your opponent is never going to attack or
block with, and is holding over your head just
waiting for you to attack.
Now just envision this… Amortized Straw Man comes
into play with 3 unwanted tokens, as does,
Slingerang, Runic Circuitry and others. How would
you like to turn those “bad” tokens into card draw,
or damage, or force your opponent to discard, or
tutor for more cards that could give you more
Remember what I said at the start about options? You
didn’t doubt me did you? Just so we don’t miss
anything, your 4 options are:
Pick a character and inflict 1 damage to that
character- costs 1 token.
Draw a card- costs 2 tokens.
Force your opponent to discard card- costs 2 tokens.
Tutor for any card and put it into your hand- costs
3 tokens.
Now for the kicker. While your opponent can respond
to your playing this tactic, once all of their
responses resolve and it’s time for VP to resolve,
you get to pick and choose to you heart’s content
without your opponent interfering! That’s right.
Your opponent cannot respond to your use of the
various options VP presents. Let’s say there are 7
tokens on the cards you control. First you declare
you’re removing 2 tokens to draw a card. Next you
remove 1 token to inflict 1 damage to a character.
Then you remove 2 to draw again. Lastly you chose to
remove your last 2 tokens to force your opponent to
discard a card. You opponent gets to sit back and
watch the show, unable to respond to any of the
actions you take on your shopping spree!
So are you convinced?
In limited, you may not get enough token generating
cards for VP to be worth playing. In constructed
however, a skilled deck builder and player can rule
the field with such power!
Limited: 2/5
Constructed: 5/5