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Pojo's Toybox
Battle Figures
(Approximate Retail Price Each: $4.99)
Includes two Pokémon action figures with either a clear plastic Poké Ball or two figure Podiums, and two Battle Discs. The Battle Discs tell each Pokémon number and its Pokémon power, and lets you play a game in which you can win Pokémon figures from your friends. New pairings of characters for the year 2001 keep the action going.
Previous Assortments:
Assortments which have since been retired and no longer available from most, or all, retail outlets. They are seperated into their respective waves.
1st Wave
Pikachu #025/Raichu #026
Pidgey #016/Pidgeot #018
Rattata #019/Raticate #020
Sandshrew #027/Sandslash #028
Meowth #052/Gengar #094
Geodude #074/Golem #076
Kakuna #014/Beedrill #015
Eevee #133/Flareon #136
2nd Wave
Metapod #011/Butterfree #012
Psyduck #054/Golduck #055
Mankey #056/Primeape #057
3rd Wave
Jigglypuff #039/Wigglytuff #040
Drowzee #096/Hypno #097
Hitmonlee #106/Hitmonchan #107
4th Wave
Spearow #021/Fearow #022
Venonat #048/Venomoth #049
Vaporeon #134/Jolteon #135
5th Wave
Clefairy #035/Clefable #036
Gloom #044/Vileplume #045
Weezing #110/Tangela #114
6th Wave
Slowpoke #079/Slowbro #080
Horsea #116/Seadra #117
Goldeen #118/Seaking #119
Dratini #147/Dragonair #148
7th Wave
Paras #046/Parasect #047
Ponyta #077/Rapidash #078
Seel #086/Dewgong #087
Exeggcute #102/Exeggutor #103
8th Wave
Tentacool #072/Tentacruel #073
Magnemite #081/Magneton #082
Rhyhorn #111/Rhydon #112
(Target) Charizard #006/Omastar #139
(Target) Geodude #074/Mr. Mime #122
(Target) Flareon #136/Snorlax #143
Available Now:
These assortments are now available, or still available from your local toy outlet/department store. They are seperated into their respective waves.
9th Wave
Sunflora #192/Heracross #214
Totodile #158/Quagsire #195
Croconaw #159/Stantler #234
Mareep #179/Snubbull #209
10th Wave
Grimer #088/Muk #089
Jigglypuff #039/Igglybuff #174
Sentret #161/Spinarak #167
11th Wave
Graveler #075/Feraligatr #160
Pichu #172/Aipom #190
Unown #201/Entei #244
12th Wave
Ledian #166/Granbull #210
Umbreon #197/Hitmontop #237
Wobbuffet #202/Scizor #212
Now Shipping:
Unconfirmed reports, back ordering on Amazon.com, and other sources tell us that they are expecting these assortments soon.
Coming Soon
Future assortment list provided by Hasbro. They are seperated in their respective waves.
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