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Pojo's Toybox
Combat Figures
(Approximate Retail Price Each: $5.99)
The action figures in the Hasbro Pokémon line aim to please with cool action features to recreate favorite battle scenes. Pikachu #25 masters its enemies with a thundershock tail, while Blastoise #09 equipped with hydro launcher and Charizard #06 and its flame thrower square off to the end. Also joining the fray are Venusaur #03 with razor leaf, Nidorino #33 with horn attack, Graveler #75 with rock throw, and more.
Previous Assortments:
Assortments which have since been retired and no longer available from most, or all, retail outlets. They are seperated into their respective waves.
Available Now:
These assortments are now available, or still available from your local toy outlet/department store. They are seperated into their respective waves.
1st Wave
#003 Venusaur
#006 Charizard
#009 Blastoise
2nd Wave
#025 Pikachu
#033 Nidorino
#075 Graveler
#144 Articuno
3rd Wave
#145 Zapdos
#146 Moltres
#167 Spinarak
#214 Heracross
4th Wave
#152 Chikorita
#158 Totodile
Now Shipping:
Unconfirmed reports, back ordering on Amazon.com, and other sources tell us that they are expecting these assortments soon.
Coming Soon
Future assortment list provided by Hasbro. They are seperated in their respective waves.
#237 Hitmontop
#155 Cyndaquil
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