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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
This list was compiled by "clown master" on our
Message Boards.
Here is a FAQ section to help answer of more questions:
How do I get the Silph Scope and Pokeflute?
You get the Silph Scope in the Casino Rocket Hideout after
you beat Giovanni. You get the Pokeflute after resquing
Mr.Fuji. He gives it to you.
How do I get passed the guards outside of Saffron?
You get tea from the Lady on the first floor of Pokemon
Mansion in Celadon(the place where you get Eevee).
How do I get Pokemon in Altering Cave to appear?
You get Pokemon in Altering Cave to appear through the
Mystery Gift Feature. After you use the Mystery Gift,
something will say that so and so Pokemon have appeared and
Altering Cave. *From Serebii*
Do the old RB glitches still work?
This one is simple. No. Different technology, better
programming, no Missingno.
How do I get the National Dex?
You get it by defeating the elite four and having 60 Pokemon
in your Pokedex.
How do I get the legendary dogs?
Here is how: It depends on your starter. They'll apear after
you beat the E4.
Raikou-- Squirtle
Entei- Bulbasaur
Suicune-- Charmander
How do I get to Islands 8 and 9?
You get to them through Nintendo sanctioned events.
How do I get Mew?
You get on on Emerald. Here is the link:
What should I use my Master Ball on?
I used it on Mewtwo. Other posters, including ShineyAltaria,
would suggest using it on the legendary cats(Entei, Raikou,
or Suicune) as they run away before you can fight them.
How do I trade with Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald?
Have 100Pokemon in your Pokedex and have the Nationaldex
But what about breeding?
xxBatosaixx posted the following:
Breeding Moves
Breeding a particular move is fairly simple, for the most
part. All moves are inherited from the father (unless you
are using Ditto). In a normal male and female pair, TM's and
HM's that the father knows will be learned by the baby, as
long as the baby is also able to learn those same TM's and
HM's. TM and HM moves take priority in breeding, and will
override other possible moves the baby may have had .If all
you want is another Rhydon with Earthquake, this is easy.
Supposing the father knows: Surf, Strength, and Earthquake,
and the mother is Rhydon, the baby will learn Earthquake,
and Strength.This is because the baby will be a Rhyhorn
(since the baby is always the mother's lowest form), and
Rhyhorn can learn EQ from TM's and Strength form the HM, but
because Rhyhorn can't learn Surf form HM, Surf wouldn't be
one of its starting moves.
Egg moves are moves that a baby can only learn by breeding
from a male parent. If a move is on a Poke's Egg move list,
and the father has it, that move will be learned by the baby
in addition to the rest. Using the example form above, and
supposing that the father also had Crunch, we would find
that the baby's move list would include EQ, Strength, and
Crunch - as Crunch is one of Rhyhorn's Egg Moves. Now, let's
say you wanted to breed the same Rhyhorn with Scary Face. In
this case, you have to get not only the father to know the
move, but the mother as well. Egg moves, TM's, and HM's are
automatically placed on the baby if the father already has
them - but for the baby to obtain a move learned only by the
natural leveling up of that Pokemon, both parents MUST know
the move. If both parents know Scary Face, the sample baby
would come out with a move list of EQ, Strength, Crunch, and
Scary Face.
How do I track the Legendary Dogs?
Well, here is the user Flammable's subission on the subject:
First, you have to find it once, either by trading it or
running around with repel on, changing areas regularly. Once
it's in the pokedex you can look up its current location.
Note that every time you change an area, so does it, and if
you fly, it goes to a random spot, so you must catch it on
foot. When it moves, it generally goes to an adjacent route
(skipping towns), but occaisionally it will "leap" across
the world. Every time you change areas, look it up in the
dex, and take note of where it may be headed, you could cut
it off. You can encounter it on grass or water. Once you're
on the same route as it, save and repel, then just run
around until it shows up. If you reset, it will reappear
randomly, so saving is just to insure you don't kill it on
accident. For repel to work, your lead poke must be Lv. 49
or less. The first thing you must do in the battle is use
Mean Look to prevent escape. Gengar is a good choice because
it's fast and can learn hypnosis. Once it is trapped, it's
just another legendary, but you can't switch out or Mean
Look will stop working. Overall, it's a helluva lot easier
to just trade them over from Colluseum.
Best Slots?
the lucky slot machine in
fire red or leaf green spins a little bit slower than all of
the other ones. walk in and look at the top left slot
machine. it is on the left at the top and it will spin a
little bit slower - jirachi deoxys