The Bad News
Day 12 took a bit longer to write and
post than normal. Why? See 'The Good News', below.
I've almost visited every city on the Gold/Silver
maps. I haven't caught all 251 Pokemon but I'm fairly sure that the game is almost at end. While this isn't the last journal entry it's getting pretty close
The Good News
I've been spending a lot of my time updating the Pojo's
With Lugia's help,
my email box is almost organized. Remember, send all of your gameplay
questions directly to him so we can include them in the FAQs.
We have a lot of in-depth Gold/Silver articles planned to keep your interest until Gold/Silver are finally released in English
Without further adieu…
Day 12
I made it to Fuscia city during the night. Unfortunately, the place was a lot more deserted than in Red/Blue. No warden. No Pokemon in their 'pens'. No Safari Zone. While the inside of the Gym still had an invisible maze, the Gym Leader was new. Unfortunately, I didn't get a screenshot of her.
From there I headed West and then up the Cycle Road.
I was using a Himanutsu in my party, testing to see if he'd evolve at some point when I accidentally stumbled on the Gold/Silver equivalent of the Exp. All item. To my delight, I had two of them! In Gold/Silver, this device works, not by carrying it in my backpack, but by attaching it to the Pokemon I want experience shared with. For instance; I attached one to my
Himanutsu and another to my Barugi. Then, even if niehter
of them were in battle, they got some of the experience points. In
fact, if they were in the battle, they got double the experience
points. Way cool. |
Reading Edo's
walkthrough, I tried getting the monorail pass by getting the Clefairy Doll and giving it to the Copycat. I must have missed something, though because all I got was the Copycat looking like the hero. Ugh.
My exploration wasn't a total loss, though. I upgraded the radio in my Pokegear again and used it to wake that sleeping
Snorlax. While going through the
Diglett cave I realized the obvious; going through the Red/Blue world in reverse-order was much easier than it was when I started in Pallet. My
Odairu's almost level
60. |
Obviously Pewter was on the other end of the Diglett cave (more or less). And Pewter still means Brock.
Again, Odairu soaked them all. Better still, Barugi's experience device raised him high enough to evolve into
Hitmonlee!! Kick!
If you're keeping count, Lucky Day 13 should be taking me to Pallet. Wish me luck!!

On to the next page
of Ron's Gold Journal.
Home Day: 1a 1b 2 3 4 5&6 7 8 9 10
12 13 14