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Pokémon Pinball - Gameshark Codes   

POJO NOTE:  We do not use the Gameshark!  We have NO IDEA if these codes will work or crash your game.  Try them at your own risk.  We posting these for folks who want them, but will not answer any questions regarding them.

I didn't see these on the site, so in case you haven't got them:
  • Infinite Ball Saver:
  • Infinite Time:
  • Infinite Dual Pikachu Kickback:
  • Get 9,999,999,999,990 points:
    01291DD4 then do something that gives you points.
  • Infinite Time - 91607AD5
  • Infinite PokéBalls - 01029DD4

Infinite Ball Saver and Pikachu Savers - 9160A4D4 (this does not apply during the Diglett Bonus Stage. I don't know why...)

Two billion points when PokéBall is lost - 01028DD4 (this code does not work when you have the Infinite Ball Saver code enabled)

Get Any Pokémon in Catching Mode - 91XX79D5. XX stands for the numbers in the folllowing chart:

00 Bulbasaur 
01 Ivysaur 
02 Venusaur 
03 Charmander 
04 Charmeleon 
05 Charizard 
06 Squirtle 
07 Wartortle 
08 Blastoise 
09 Caterpie 
0A Metabod 
0B Butterfree 
0C Weedle 
0D Kakuna 
0E Beedrill 
0F Pidgey 
10 Pigeotto 
11 Pigeot 
12 Rattata 
13 Raticate 
14 Spearow 
15 Fearow 
16 Ekans 
17 Arbok 
18 Pikachu 
19 Raichu 
1A Sandshrew 
1B Sandslash 
1C Nidoran (f) 
1D Nidorina 
1E Nidoqueen 
1F Nidoran (m) 
20 Nidorino 
21 Nidoking 
22 Clefairy 
23 Clefable 
24 Vulpix 
25 Ninetales 
26 Jigglypuff 
27 Wigglytuff 
28 Zubat 
29 Golbat 
2A Oddish 
2B Gloom 
2C Vileplume 
2D Paras 
2E Parasect 
2F Venonat 
30 Venomoth 
31 Diglett 
32 Dugtrio 
33 Meowth 
34 Persian 
35 Psyduck 
36 Golduck 
37 Mankey 
38 Primeape 
39 Growlithe 
3A Arcanine 
3B Poliwag 
3C Polwhirl 
3D Poliwrath 
3E Abra (63)
3F Kadabra 
40 Alakazam 
41 Machop 
42 Machoke 
43 Machamp 
44 Bellsprout 
45 Weepinbell 
47 Tentacool 
48 Tentacruel 
49 Geodude 
4A Graveler 
4B Golem 
4C Ponyta 
4D Rapidash 
4E Slowpoke 
4F Slowbro 
50 Magnemite 
51 Magneton 
52 Farfetch’d 
53 Doduo 
54 Dodrio 
55 Seel 
56 Dewgong 
57 Grimer 
58 Muk 
59 Shelder 
5A Cloyster 
5B Gastly 
5C Haunter 
5D Gengar 
5E Onix
5F Drowzee 
60 Hypno 
61 Krabby 
62 Kingler 
63 Voltorb 
64 Electrode 
65 Exeggcute 
66 Exeggutor 
67 Cubone 
68 Marowak 
69 Hitmonlee 
6A Hitmoncham 
6B Lickitung 
6C Koffing 
6D Weezing 
6E Rhyhorn 
6F Rhydon 
70 Chansey 
71 Tangela 
72 Kangaskhan 
73 Horsea 
74 Seadra 
75 Goldeen 
76 Seaking 
77 Staryu 
78 Starmie 
79 Mr_Mime 
7A Scyther 
7B Jynx 
7C Electabuzz 
7D Magmar 
7E Pinsir 
7F Tauros 
80 Magikarp 
81 Gyarados 
82 Lapras 
83 Ditto 
84 Eevee 
85 Vaporeon 
86 Jolteon 
87 Flareon 
88 Porygon 
89 Omanyte 
8A Omastar 
8B Kabuto 
8C Kabutops 
8D Aerodactyl 
8E Snorlax 
8F Articuno 
90 Zapdos 
91 Moltres 
92 Dratini 
93 Dragonair 
94 Dragonite
95 Mewtwo 
96 Mew 

Everybody thinks you can catch Mew, but you can't! Mew is only useful to get your points up! (Everytime you hit it, you get a million points!)




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