The Pojo's Gameboy Hall of Fame
We are no longer looking for Hall of Fame candidates. We were
just trying to get about 30, so that people looking to beat the elite 4, could typically
see what it will take. Thanks to everyone for submitting their Hall of
Famers. :)
PoJo |
Venusaur - 57, Zapdos - 57, Gengar - 48, Seel -
42, Hitmonlee - 46, Charizard - 43 (via trade) ... Gotta love
Gengar ;) |
J. Diaz |
I used a charizard l.70, mewtwo l.70, moltres
l.50, pidgeotto l.22, ditto l.65, lapras l.60 |
Pokemaniac |
Venusaur, Golduck, Articuno, Dragonite, Magmar, Raichu. Their levels
are 64, 100, 57, 100, 56, and 48, |
randy szeredi |
charizard lvl 53 raichu lvl 28 blastoise lvl 56 paras lvl 8
kakuna lvl 12 gengar lvl 78 |
RPgEe3 |
1.Blastoise L71, 2.Raichu L43, 3.Gengar L45, 4.Moltres L61, 5.Zapdos
L65, 6.Articuno L68 |
Southp9844 |
Charizard LV45,Weezing Lv39,ZapdosLv53,Articuno lv 54,VaporeonLv37,and
a snorlax,LV 34. |
Dan Pearson |
L.100 Kadabra 2nd- L.100 Mewtwo 3rd- L.100 Mew (did not use gameshark)
4th- L.100 Alakazam 5th- L.100 Gengar 6th- L.100 Haunter |
Jonathan Enos |
Venusaur level/71 Blatoise level/71 Gengar level/73 Charizard level/71 Mew
level/72 |
K. Cat |
lvl 100 Dugtrio lvl 100 Haunter lvl 100 Pidgeot lvl 100 Charizard lvl
100 Vileplum lvl 100 Articuno |
Bryn Hoffman |
Level 81 (Blastois) Level 34 (Snorlax) Level 30 (Pidgeotto) Level 24
(Pikachu) Level 18 (Sandshrew) LAPRAS:Level 15 (Lapras) |
Omid Ensafi |
Blastoise,Pigeot,Kadabra,Machamp,Lapras and Jolteon; L72,L52,L48,L60,L65,L46. |
R.M. |
lv.88 venasaur, a lv.36 cloyster, a lv. 32 omunite, a lv . 51 zapdos, a lv. 53
articuno, and a lv. 37 butterfree. |
Ed Obendrauf |
vileplume lv.49 charizard lv.49 gangaskan lv.49 gyarodos lv.48 kadrabra
lv.50 articuno lv.52 |
Steve Cheung |
Pikachu - Level 58 * Vulpix - Level 54 * Squirtle - Level 57 Pidgey -
Level 52 * Articuno - Level 51* Staryu - Level 42 * |
Dylan |
Level 100 Charizard* that I trained from the beginning, A Level 56
Chansey to heal my Charizard* A Level 68 Raichu to kill Gary's Blastoise** A Level 47
Gengar to fight Bruno (HE CANT EVEN TOUCH YOU!!) A Level _ ****** to gain it's levels*** A
Snorlax for the hell of having Snorlax! |
Steven Csuth |
Zapdos -- lv. 55 Dragonair -- lv. 45 Hypno -- lv. 45
Blastoise -- lv. 45 Alakazam -- lv. 51 Moltres -- lv. 50 |
brian chiu |
dragonite lvl 67 Venusaur lvl 58
zapdos lvl 54 articuno lvl 55 moltres lvl 58
Gyrados lvl 60 |
CodyS12 |
L68 Gyarados, L70 Farfetch'd, L56 Zapdos, L58 Articuno, L52 Moltres,
and a L76 Charizard. |
L. 80 charizard , L. 63 sandslash , L. 64 dragonite , L. 63 gyrados ,
L. 50 raichu |
j.w. |
blastoise l:100 charizard l:100 venasaur l:100 zapados
l:100 moltres l:100 articcuno l:100 - I didn't use a game
shark I used the viridean city man trick |
b.makemson |
Venusaur, Vaporeon, Misingno., Raichu, Moltres, and Dragonite. Thier
levels were 78, 70, 83, 65, 57, 75 |
Robin Dude |
Alakazam: 57, Arcanine: 51, Articuno: 54, Dragonite: 55, Gyrados: 52,
Victreebel: 54 |
Jim5005134 |
1.Blastoise2.Hypno3.Moltres4.Raichu5.Dragonite6.Jynx |
Jordan S. |
Charizard level 79, licketung level 39, articuno level
51, seaking level 23, arcanine level 32 and marowak level 43. |
Kenny Latham |
Blastoise at 60, Articuno at 58, Zapdos at 58, Muk at 41, Moltres at 51 and
Golbat at 42. |
Stinky534 |
Blastoise 78 Beedrill 45 Butterfree 47
Articuno 66 Hitmonlee 57 Marcel ( Mr. Mime ) 45 |
Hobbes |
Charizard,L.75*Wigglytuff, L.15*Bellsprout,L.18* Pidgeotto,L.30*Lapras,L.16*and
Onix,L.17. |
raarar |
raticate - lv 50 weezing - lv 51 golduck - lv 45 graveler - lv 52 charizard -
lv 50 mr mime. - lv 62 |
UltraNorn |
Mewtwo-lv. 100 Gengar-lv. 65 Blastoise-lv. 100 Farfecht'd-lv. 100
Alakazam-lv. 61 Nidoking-lv. 100 |
Kevin Williams |
Dragonite lvl 58 Kabutops lvl 52 Ninetales lvl 47 Alakazam lvl 46
Raichu lvl 43 Chansey lvl 25---best Pokémon ever! |
Thor |
Raichu/38 Golem/37 Gengar/38
Hypno/38 Charizard/40 Blastoise/48 |
Ever8Young |
To beat the Elite Four in the Gameboy game of Pokemon, I used a
Blastoise, a Charizard, a Venusuar, and an Articuno. They were all at level 100, since i
used a rare candy code on all of them. |
Alex |
Graveler-L75 Pidgeot-L80 Poliwrath-L90 Clefable-L100 Rapidash-L100
Venusaur-L100 |
christine tuxbury |
blastoise lv.63, pidgeot lv.40, beedrill lv.37, butterfree lv.40,
raichu lv.39, abra lv.5 |
Ciara |
Blastoise - 68 -water gun at this level usually wipes them
out in one shot, great with ice beam Butterfree - 54 -awsome poisonpowder and
whirlwind Articuno - 57 -sky attack is killer Jynx - 34 -metronome for
fun. ;) Pikachu - 31 - thunderbolt works great on water pokes. Clefairy -
21 - 2put them to sleep |
Chris Davis |
Charizard L 76 Mewtwo L 70 farfeched L 53 Marowak L 63 Muk L 51 Dodrio
L 57 |
Alek Konopnicki |
Charizard, 100;Blastoise, 100;Moltres, 100;Venusaur, 100;Onix, 60; Mr.
Mime, 100 |
baltboy21234 |
Charizard L100, Blastoise L100, Venusaur L100, Mew L100, Mewtwo L100,
and Gengar L100 Tip Bring out Gengar or any ghost against Brono! |
Austin1088 |
blastoise level 76 riachu level 54 sandslash level 54 zapdos level 70
gengar level 60 gyarados level 58 |
Steven Ferrier |
level 100 - snorlax level 60 - articuno level 60 - zapdos
level 62 - moltres level 60 - charizard level 55 - dragonite i
duplicated rare candy to rase their levels and duplicated the master ball to catch the
ledgendary birds |
pikapower52 |
Articuno L.71 Pidgeot L.70 Blastoise L.70 Moltres L.69 Snorlax L.76
Zapdos L.70 to beat the elite four |
Avi D. |
Blastoise-100, Hitmonlee-96, Dragonite-80, Mewtwo-92, Vileplume-81, Zapdos-88 |
Comm12 |
I used these guys at level 100, but they can be lower. They are not just for
elite four, but can be used as a great team. There is a super effective against just about
all pokemon in the game: Zapdos-Good for: Lorelei, Gary's Pidgeot, his water choice,
and if he has charizard. Rhydon(with ground TM earthquake and rock TM rockslide)-Good for
Agatha, Bruno's onixes, Gary's Pidgeot, his fire choice, any electrics, etc.
Lapras-(much better than blastoise, teach him blizzard and surf you have two water and two
ice, really good) good against Bruno, any birds, and of course fire.
Charizard-Flamethrower is his only good learned move, so teach him dig, seismic toss if
he's a high level, and mine has cut. Good for Lorelei's Jynx, Gary's grass, and many
others.Venasaur-teach him toxic, it's a killer. Good for Bruno, Lorelei, Gary's water, and
others. Beedrill-Good for Agatha, Gary's alakazam, his grass, any other psychics or ghosts |
Danny-Goldarch |
lv.100-vaporeonlv.100-dugtriolv.100-raichu |
Punko |
It took me a week to get to and beat the Elite four. My name is Punko
and I beat the Elite for with Charizard-62, Sailor-56, Kingler-45, Articuno-56,
Nidoqueen-54, Dux-42. |
Michael Boger |
My L.87 charizard beat the not-so-elite 5, but also along for the ride
were L.55 dragonite L.50 zapdos L.50 articuno L.50 moltres L.42 machoke |
PokeMan505 |
level 84 charizard level 52
articuno level 33 aerodactyl level
41 seadra level 42 graveler level 26 kadabra |
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